A Sparkly Encounter (A JongKey Fanfic) THREE

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            Having been forced to take an extra shift, Key was now closing up the shop after having worked twice as much s he would at this particular job. It was dark out now which furthermore irritated him. Today really was one of his worst days…

            First, he’d dealt with the typical annoying customers, then he’d gotten a head ache from dealing with that JongHyun guy, been forced to take more shifts, lost his other job and unloaded several boxes full of stickers and other worthless crap by himself. Just a few more minutes and he’d get to lock up this stupid place and go home to rest.

            Key grabbed the cash from the register, bringing it to the safe. Usually he locked up before doing all of his cleaning up of the store (the manager insisted that he did) but his mind was set on getting out as fast as he could.

            The safe door was locked, the new merchandise was on the shelf ready for whoever was working tomorrow, now all Key had to do was write in his hours and he’d be free to go.

            He’d just finished writing his initials in the book when he heard the music the door elicited when opened chime.

            “We’re closed!” he yelled, straightening up.

            No one answered him which somewhat unnerved Key. He wasn’t very muscular and he didn’t have any self defense training… The only thing he was capable of doing was packing a good glare and shooting a couple insults – other than that he’d be completely defenseless against any intruder.

Oh God! What if someone was coming to rob him and they had weapons? Key thought as he walked around the store.

The door was sealed shut, showing no hints that anyone came in. The cash register didn’t look like it’d been tampered with. Everything seemed normal; everything except for the air that was chilling Key all the way down to his feet. He’d done a full check of the store twice, finding not the least bit of disturbance and definitely no people.

            “You’re losing it Key…” he mumbled to himself. He went back to the counter, grabbing his messenger back off the floor and his sweater. If he hadn’t been so oblivious to his surroundings – if he hadn’t been so tired – Key might have noticed the person squatting behind his counter just a little faster. Unfortunately for him, it took the click of the cocking of a gun for him to become aware of his surroundings.

            “I’ll say this once and only once… Give me all your money,” the intruder said in a low and dangerous voice.

            Key looked up just to be met with the barrel of the gun. His knees shook, his palms got clammy and every part of his brain screamed at him to get the hell out of there as fast as he could. His body seemed to be frozen, though.

            This guy was easily a head taller than him, with hair that reached past his chin and big eyes that glared at him over the gun in his large hands.

            “Give me the money,” the guy repeated.

            Key’s mouth hung open. His eyes grew to the size of the others. He was frozen, completely paralyzed. Of all things he should have been dong then (i.e. getting the money so he wasn’t murdered) he stood there with his mouth wide open and eyes bugging out of his head.

            A look of anger crossed the robber’s face. The next thing Key knew he was pushed into the rack of pink post cards behind him. The metal bars dug into his tender flesh, wedging between his bones to make what was soon to be some ugly bruises. The sudden jolt of pain seemed to knock some sense back into Key. Adrenaline came in a massive rush and in a second he had launched himself at the guy in a stupid, stupid, attempt at disarming him.

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