A Sparkly Encounter (A JongKey Fanfic) FIFTY-FIVE

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“Hyung! What am I supposed to wear to something like this?” Key asked for what would probably be the six billionth time that night.

            “I told you already! It’s formal so wear something like I’m wearing!” JongHyun answered in exasperation.

            “That doesn’t help me!” Had JongHyun known any better he would have thought Key to in a life or death situation.

            Coming up the stairs with a laundry basket balanced on her hip, Key’s mother chuckled. Her eyes lit up in the same way Key’s did. Clearly she was amused with this, unlike JongHyun who was fretting over the time.

            “He’s quite a handful of a boyfriend, isn’t he?” she asked.

            JongHyun’s head bobbed in agreement, oblivious to what she had just said. “Yeah, he can be really frustrating sometimes – whoa, wait, what?” he ended up stumbling when the end of the sentence train had finally reached the boarding station.

            That melodious laugh left Key’s mother once again.

            “You heard what I said, JongHyun. Did you think I didn’t know?” she asked, not bothering to conceal her amusement.

            “D-did Key tell you?” JongHyun asked, suddenly feeling more nervous about this than the dinner party he was supposed to be heading off to.

            “He hasn’t told me anything involving his boyfriends; he rarely does. If he does than he hides it and says it’s a girl, but I’m not dumb and I’m not blind. I know that Key isn’t the least bit interested in having any affiliations with a girl.”

            “But how did you know it was me?”

            “It wasn’t that hard to tell, JongHyun!” She chuckled. “I mean, Key studied like crazy to get up a year in college so he could be in your class. When he’s not working he’s still at your place and if he’s not at your place than he’s out somewhere with you or you’re here.”

           “Oh…” JongHyun couldn’t say much more to that. He’d been stunned into silence by one woman. Although, he had to admit that he hadn’t really been all that sneaky now that he looked back on it all.

            “It’s fine, JongHyun! I have nothing against you being with Key! I would just like to become acquainted with your parents one day,” Key’s mother assured him.

            “I-I’ll… I’ll work something out,” JongHyun promised.

            No more words were exchanged as Key poked his head out of his room at that time and interrupted their conversation.

            “Hyung! Is this outfit good enough?” he asked, stepping into the doorway. His body was clad in formal attire. His torso clothed in a baby pink button up that tucked into a pair of sleek, black slacks. A chic white belt kept them from falling down his narrow hips to his ankles and at the same time it coordinated with his white tie, knotted perfectly after much trial and error JongHyun assumed.  The cherry on top of the whole classy look was the way Key had styled his light hair so that it was flipped and swept back like he’d been caught in the wind. The only thing missing was the makeup, but he guessed Key wanted to go for the more masculine and natural look when meeting his family for the first time.

            “You look amazing!” Key’s mother gushed, setting aside her basket of clothes. “I’m sure you’re driving your boyfriend crazy right now!”
            “Mom!” Key shouted, totally baffled at how blunt she’d just been. “H-he’s not my boyfriend!” he rejected.

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