A Sparkly Encounter (A JongKey Fanfic) FOURTEEN

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Another rainstorm was brewing outside. Rain drops pelted the windows while the wind gusted about and pushed against the front of the small store.

            Onew, Key and JongHyun lazed about the store, cleaning but not at the same time. The atmosphere was cold in the store. Key had had some spat with Jessica who had left him grumpy as all hell; JongHyun was exhausted from his double jobs and financial situation and poor Onew was just stuck in the middle.

            “So… Who wants to grab a bite to eat?” Onew suddenly asked.

            Both boys turned away from their “vigorous cleaning” to look at the store owner with blank faces.

            Ignoring the flat response, Onew continued, “We could go to that café down the street and have a little lunch break. You guys look like you could use a little break and it’s not like we’ll be getting that many customers today…” His voice faded off and his hope at a lunch out dwindled when the other boys failed to share his enthusiasm.

            After what seemed to be a long pause, Key said, “But what about my hair?” It was the icebreaker of the day.

            Seconds later, JongHyun was teasing him.

            “It’ll dry,” he assured him, moving over to his coat.

            “I’ll bring an umbrella,” Onew said so he wouldn’t have to deal with Key complaining the whole walk down the street.

            Once the three boys had their rain gear on (Onew sporting a flashy pair of canary yellow rubber boots), they locked up the store and headed down the street to the café Onew had suggested.

            Not many people were roaming the streets that day but many cars still roared by, leaving a mucky trail of misted water to hang in the air for a brief moment.

            The smell of coffee and muffins floated into JongHyun’s nose. It reminded him of the food he had once been able to have. He couldn’t wait to step out of the rain and into the quaint looking place. Unfortunately, he and the group were held back a bit longer due to the fact that someone was screaming out JongHyun’s name.

            “JongHyun! JongHyun! Donsaeng~ah!”

            The urge to flee hit JongHyun. Running across the street towards him was EunJi, the manager of the convenience store he worked at.

            “Noona! Slow down!” JongHyun yelled. Hopefully his worry about the others finding about his double jobs would come across as worry for EunJi’s safety.

            The girl finally reached the group, doubling over so she could catch her breath. Her usual up-do was let loose so that brown, wavy hair caped around her shoulders. She had on a pair of high heeled boots to make herself taller and a nice dress since even with the rain it was too hot to actually wear a jacket or pants.

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