A Sparkly Encounter (A JongKey Fanfic) FORTY-FIVE

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Key came in early to open the shop for Onew like he did every Monday. He was looking forward to seeing a disheveled JongHyun traipsing down the stairs with the sleep still glazing his eyes. He’d even prepared a little breakfast for JongHyun and himself since they often ate together on these days.

            He had set his bag down in the back room and pulled out a bento box when JongHyun came running down the stairs, taking them two at a time. Key was just about to greet him when he felt the short guy’s arms squeeze him in a tight embrace. His mouth was attacked in a hard kiss that left Key dizzy (or that might have just been a side effect of JongHyun spinning him around during their hug). When his feet finally touched ground again it took him a moment to recompose himself.

            “What was that for?” he asked quietly. And then he spotted his bento box on the floor and his diva like personality sprung up like a blooming flower on steroids. “Yah! I worked my butt off on this and now it’s probably all ruined!” He unscrewed the lid and was proved right. Everything was all mixed up. Key felt his lips pucker up into a pout at the sight.

            The bento box was the last thing on JongHyun’s mind however. He grabbed it from Key’s hands and placed it on the counter so he could grab Key’s hand. “I’ll buy you a new bento box,” he dismissed.

            “But that was homemade!” Key interjected.

            “He’s awake!”


            “He’s awake! TaeMin’s awake!” JongHyun repeated. He hopped up and down, feeling inflated with perpetual happiness. There were still two hours before the two mothers would pick him up but he just couldn’t steady his wavering emotions.

            “He is?” Key asked, feeling his own happiness for JongHyun swelling beneath his rib cage.

            JongHyun’s head bobbed so enthusiastically it looked like he was one of those bobble head dogs you kept on the dash of your car.

            “That’s so great!” Key exclaimed, throwing his arms around his boyfriend. They embraced yet another time and JongHyun nuzzled his face into Key’s neck.

            “I’m happy,” he whispered.

            A soft smile slithered onto Key’s face. He kissed JongHyun’s cheek and said, “I’m happy you’re happy.”

            “Everything’s so great now… I have you and TaeMin…”

            “What about your family?” Key regretted asking almost immediately after the words rolled off his tongue. He could feel JongHyun tense up under his hold and his face shifted away from his neck.

            “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there,” he mumbled a bit sadly.

            Having not seen JongHyun so truly happy in a long time, Key wasn’t ready to let it get away. He pulled back from the short boy and jumped onto the counter so he was seated on top of it. His radiant smile returned to his face as he grabbed their breakfast.

            “Come on,” he urged. “Tell me everything that happened.” He passed a pair of chopsticks to JongHyun and delighted in the fond look he received in return.

            The two chattered through their small breakfast about every detail starting from when JongHyun received the phone call from TaeMin’s mother to now. JongHyun gestured wildly and nearly got a morsel of egg lodged up in Key’s nostril – which he in turn apologized for by feeding him something from his own assortment.

            Before either of them knew it there was a customer strolling onto the store and thirty minutes before JongHyun’s lift was due to arrive.

            The shorter boy helped Key pack up the empty containers. He wrapped his arms around him from  behind and placed the things in his bag, “accidentally” brushing his hands as he did so.

            “Yah, hyung… You have to get ready,” Key said. It was a moot point as his will power was not as strong when it came to shrugging off JongHyun.

            “I already showered,” JongHyun murmured against Key’s skin.

            “There’s customers!”

            “I’m too happy to care…”

            Key felt his stomach get the jitters – in a good way of course. It was like those little shivers you got when you felt a random, non-existent breeze hit you. It felt strange but extremely good at the same time. Especially since not once since the two boys had gotten together had JongHyun been so open about their relationship. Usually he would insist most strongly against any form of public displays of affection and would limit himself to holding hands, short hugs and – occasionally – a peck on the cheek. But never, ever had JongHyun ever been this touchy-feely with people around. Even when Onew was in the room he restrained himself. The bedroom was really the only place where JongHyun let loose and acted like a boyfriend and not just a guy who really liked skin-ship.

            “Just a little longer…” JongHyun begged. He slowly rotated Key around until they were face to face. A sly smile brushed his mouth and he brought them up to Key’s, having to tilt his head up slightly but it wasn’t uncomfortable. They moved together slowly. It was the type of kiss that made your head float away from your body and filled you up with a bunch of aromatic flowers. Key was cushioned into JongHyun’s chiseled chest like he was a giant puff of cotton candy floating on by the other unimportant humans inhabiting his make-belief world. Seconds into the kiss he built up enough courage to part his lips slightly (for the first time) and was happy to find that JongHyun’s mouth mimicked his actions to the dime.


The sharp voice caused the two boys to split apart from each other. JongHyun tumbled backwards a few steps and fell over the postcard stand in a jumble of flailing arms and legs.

            Pastel coloured postcards flews up and around the poor dino like boy who was now spread out in an ever so dignified manner on the floor.

            “M-mom?” JongHyun stuttered.

            “yes, me, your mother. What were you doing?!

            JongHyun scrambled up to his feet and brushed off some imaginary dirt. H is face was flushed in one of the brightest shades of red Key had witnessed. Had he not have looked so petrified under the scrutinizing gaze of his mother Key would have chuckled.

            “We were just talking,” he mumbled.

            “So talking now involves shoving your tongue in another boy’s mouth?”

            “Uh…” The poor boy paused for a millisecond before saying, “I want to go see TaeMin.” He swooped back to the counter to squeeze Key’s hand lightly.

            “Sorry…” Key whispered, barely loud enough for his boyfriend to hear.

            “It’s fine; I’ll be back later. Stay safe.” Bending over as if to tie his shoe JongHyun placed a gentle kiss on Key’s hand. The small action was enough to ease Key’s worries. He passed him a water bottle and box of Pocky to snack on in case he got hungry before watching him rush past his mother. Key received not a harsh look but rather a curious, disbelieving (and he would even go as far as to say perplexed) one.

            As she slowly retreated after her son Key couldn’t help but think that it would be more than a little awkward when or if he got introduced to JongHyun’s family formally.



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