A Sparkly Encounter (A JongKey Fanfic) FIFTY-THREE

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JongHyun’s mother did indeed end up calling him the next day to inform him about the get together. And just like TaeMin had promised he had told his mother that he was bringing Key. And considering news spread like gossip in a small town between their mothers, she had heard.

            “So who’s this friend that TaeMin says you’re bringing?” JongHyun’s mother asked. Her tone managed to stay casual but he knew her well enough to know that behind that there was a snake trying to find a loop hole that she could pick at until the information she wanted was in her hands.

            “It’s just a friend of mine…” JongHyun muttered. “TaeMin thought I should bring him along to the party.”

            “So it’s a boy?”

            “Uhm… Yeah, it is.”

            “Why would TaeMin want you to bring a boy then? Does he know him as well? Was it that boy I met when I came to pick you up?”

            That got the cat scratching JongHyun’s tongue. He couldn’t very well just tell his mother over the phone that he was indeed dating the boy she’d caught him kissing.

            “You’ll meet him at the party mom,” he ended up saying. There was probably one of those cliché drops of sweat that slipped down his forehead. It’d been a close call but he’d somehow managed to avoid it… For now anyways. It wouldn’t take long before the questions started ravenously eating him.

            “All right then… Well, I’ll see you soon then. You best be sure I meet this boy.” There was disappointment in her voice, that much was clear, but it was better that she be left in the blue for the time being.

            “Talk to you later mom,” JongHyun said before hanging up the store phone. His gaze returned to his text book which he was reading in order to pass the time. He was working his shift alone since Key had come down with a cold that morning and he’d been sent upstairs by Onew to rest up on the couch in the apartment. It was getting extremely tiresome standing there all by his lonesome. There was a lull in the store and Onew was out shopping, too, so he really was left with nothing to do but study for test for which he wasn’t even having.

            It seemed like his boredom was going to stretch out to the final bits of his shift when a voice startled him out of his waking slumber.

            “Oppa! You really do work here!” a girl’s voice squealed.

            “HyunJae?” JongHyun asked, raising his head.

            A sea of girls started pooling into the store. One after the other until they were all running around the store exclaiming over one thing they’d found to their friends. In his haste to keep up with the activity JongHyun knocked over the post card stand, leaving him cursing while he rubbed at his hip.

            “What are you doing here?” he asked when he’d fully recovered from the shock.

            “Mom said you worked here and my friend said she liked this store so I came to see if everything they were saying was true!” HyunJae exclaimed.

            “And what about the mob of girls?”

            “The word spread about the store I guess. So! You actually work here with your funny pink shirt and everything!”

            “Yah! Don’t make fun of my pink shirt! It’s sexy…” JongHyun smoothed out his shirt self consciously and hung his head to try and make it look like he was a wounded puppy.

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