A Sparkly Encounter (A JongKey Fanfic) FORTY-NINE

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The week leading up to the family reunion had JongHyun’s stomach in knots. With school and work everything was very stressful. And of course there was TaeMin. He was getting stronger every day but there were little chances of him being released from the hospital indefinitely, lest they wanted a repeat of the coma.

            As long as he was alive, though, JongHyun thought.

            “JongHyun, can you work the cash?” Onew called from somewhere in the back of the store.

            “Yup!” The younger boy abandoned his text book and moved to the counter so he could service the growing line of customers.

            He rung up item after item, forcing himself to make polite banter with the girls so they’d leave the store happy. The only thing he really wanted to do right now was go upstairs and hang out with Key. Unfortunately, Key was giving himself a “huge” makeover upstairs so everyone was shunned from going to the apartment… And he was working anyways… So he was stuck giving false smiles to under aged girls.

            “That make-up is selling really well,” Onew noticed, traipsing over to his employee. He set down a small box he’d been restocking the shelves with and moved to the cash to count receipts and money.

            “It’s mostly Key’s doing. He promotes that stuff like hot cakes,” JongHyun said.

            “Speaking of Key, is he done yet?”

            The two boys stared up at the ceiling wondering what was happening on the floor above. If JongHyun strained his ears enough he could hear the muffled sound of water and feet scuffling along the hardwood floor.

            What was he doing? He wondered.

            It was a while still before Key even made his presence noticeable again. An hour before closing time remained when his voice bellowed down the stairs.

            “Are you ready? Are you prepared to take in the almighty Key’s appearance?” Key yelled.

            “Yah! Come down already! You’ve been up there forever and we’re hungry!” JongHyun retorted.

            “Drum roll please! I present to you the new, even more beautiful, Almighty Key!” One foot was revealed on the stairwell then the next. A skinny jean clad leg was revealed next. JongHyun felt himself get excited when he saw the hem of a pink shirt revealed. He really just wanted a glimpse of Key’s perfect face. How he had transformed himself was really nagging on his mind.

            Alas, his whole body was exposed to the little crowd of two at the bottom of the stairs. Platinum blonde hair presented itself in a spontaneous manner. It acted as a helmet on Key’s head, covering his eyebrows and nearly touching his eyes. And those eyes… Had they not already been alluring? Now they were caked with eye shadow (who knew how many colours?) and polished with mascara and a sparkly, liquid liner. With the way the bottom half of his face glistened like a new born baby’s bottom, too, he’d surely shaved again and moisturized with the six billion bottles he insisted on storing in the apartment’s bathroom.

            Needless to say, the whole look put together was breath taking. JongHyun couldn’t even find the words to express himself. Even if there had been words they would have sounded lame in comparison to the great beauty beaming in radiance before him.

            “Wow…” JongHyun breathed totally and completely, one hundred percent baffled.

            “Did something go wrong with your hair dye?” Onew asked, snickering slightly.

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