A Sparkly Ever After (1/4) Epilogue 2

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People were throwing rice as the new couple walked past the arch they had custom ordered for the wedding. The grass was green, the sun was shining and everyone was smiles and happiness. Today was a memorable day. One to mark the books of not only the newlyweds but everyone who had a life woven within theirs.

Hand in hand, the grooms ducked under the onslaught of rice to try and get to the white vehicle that would bring them to the airport and off to their honeymoon. The back was decorated with cans and ribbons, a large sign that marked "Just Hitched!" with cheesy hearts all around in lipstick on the window. It was the ultimate honeymoon transporter and Jonghyun loved every bit of it.

On their walk out they passed Onew, his large smile broken over his aged face, still the epitome of youth even with his hair brushed back and an older, more mature Hyunjae attached to his hip, swollen with the baby they were expecting any day now. They both threw up their handfuls of rice and waved at them, to which Key and Jonghyun waved back, stopping to give their generous hyung a hug. Without him, this wedding probably would have never happened. On the other side Taemin's mother stood next to Key's mother, who was now in a wheelchair but looking as gorgeous as ever with her hair up and her makeup done, a blanket matching her dress spread across her lap. When she saw them staring at her she released her rice and let the newlyweds come and embrace her, kissing their cheeks and giving their blessings, Taemin's mother doing the same, mentioning how Taemin would have loved to have been there. But in a way he had been, the position of best man on Jonghyun's side having been left empty in honour of the friend they had lost too soon. It had been nearly 10 years since, but he was a strong memory in their hearts and everyday lives.

The last of their closest friends and family was Jonghyun's side. His father was graying and his mother had aged eloquently. They both held hands as they joined in on the rice tossing. When Jonghyun and Key approached the pair, his mother started to bawl like a child, wrapping him in a tight bear hug and squeezing him. "I love you; I'm so proud of you," she congratulated her only son, bringing Key in afterwards to give him good wishes.

They had made their rounds. Just at the end, as Jonghyun helped Key into the car before him, he turned to look back at his support group, his eyes scanning specifically for one person. He spotted the tall frame near the edge of the crowd. Tall, silent but smiling, making noise with the noise makers that they had handed out for when there was no more rice to throw. He had his new boyfriend at his side, a shorter man with a deep baritone voice and blue hair. Seunghyun was his name, if Jonghyun recalled correctly.

When Minho caught Jonghyun's eye he raised a hand to salute him, timid but friendly, the past behind them, the bond of the one they had lost together holding them together and making them closer. The past was the past for them. Together they had rebuilt a friendship and Jonghyun could confidently call him his brother.

"Babe, you coming?" Key called, leaning across the seat.

His cat eyes peered at Jonghyun from the open door. He, himself, had one foot on the car, ready to slide in. But he had wanted to take one last look at the crowd of people that had supported them both to this point. Through their graduations, their new careers, the opening of a second shop with Onew, then a third and fourth, through their engagement, and now their wedding. Through better and for worse, Jonghyun was not only tied to Key, but these people. He gave them all a last smile before placing his full attention on his husband.

"Yeah baby, scoot over." Jonghyun slid in to the seat, closing the door behind them.

In here, there was less noise. It was muted and became quieter still as their driver pulled from the curb, heading to the airport.

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