A Sparkly Encounter (A JongKey Fanfic) FIFTY-ONE

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JongHyun returned that evening giddy. He hummed under his breath, taking care not to be too loud as it was rather late. Onew was already sleeping but he’d left a light on for him so he wouldn’t stumble across the apartment.

            In his room, JongHyun was all the more elated to see that Key had left him another little note in the sparkly pink notebook that had brought them together.

            Hope everything went smoothly. I’ll see you in the morning~

                                                            Good night~


            The short note made his face break out into an ear splitting smile. He couldn’t wait to get up in the morning to tell Key about every little detail. And of course he would hang on to each syllable as if his life depended on it because he was just so great that way.

            This was just… Mind boggling. JongHyun was so content in that moment that he barely remember getting changed for bed. One second he was in fancy attire and the next he was sporting one of his comfiest pairs of sweats and a nude top. Because he loved the way the material of his bed sheets – or so he liked to tell himself every time he went to bed without a shirt. Either way, after the night he just had, he fell into a very peaceful, and happy slumber.


            The following morning JongHyun really only had two things that he wanted to do. The first thing was to tell Key about everything that happened. The second thing was to go to the hospital and tell TaeMin everything that happened. Of course, he had two classes to go to first, but he could manage to squeeze those in.

            “Did things go well last night?” Onew asked as JongHyun helped him open up that morning like he did every morning when he was waiting upon Key to leave for classes.

            “They went great!” JongHyun sang, counting the money in the cash register.

            Onew gave him an adoring smile, happy to see him giddy for once. It’d been a hard road but he’d finally climbed that wall and despite not knowing him for long he couldn’t feel prouder of the boy.

            “Morning!” Key bellowed once he’d walked through the door He barely had time to have his words of greeting returned. JongHyun was suited and ready to leave in a mere few seconds which left the boy standing there a bit stunned.

            “I’ll see you later!” the excited boy called over his shoulder, zipping out of the store.

            Laughs bellowed out of Onew’s stomach as he watched Key get dragged out. The look of surprise on his face was enough to keep him cramped up with laughter for a good while.

            Already halfway down the street were the two students. JongHyun let out a twinkling whoop of joy as he skipped along.

            “Hyung!” Key cried. “You’re doing it again!”

            JongHyun stopped suddenly and embraced his lover in a tender kiss. Their teeth knocked slightly thanks to the mad hatter grin the shorter was sporting and their lips moved clumsily thanks to Key’s laboured breathing. During the whole messy kiss, though, Key couldn’t have enjoyed it more. Even if he had never had such a sloppy kiss. He wouldn’t have tolerated it were it not for it being JongHyun.

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