A Sparkly Encounter (A JongKey Fanfic) EPILOGUE

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A chilly breeze ruffled the clothes adorning the young boy’s body as he and his mate trotted down the twisting sidewalk. A bouquet of flowers rested in his hands: fresh, new, full of life and ready to be deposited in its designated area. Someone came every month to replace the flowers but today marked a special day as it marked a year exactly that they had started leaving the flower assortments.

            The pair passed by a multitude of stone slabs on the way to the destination. Their hands gripped each others, swinging lazily between their moving bodies.

            “You doing okay?” the newly brunette boy asked his partner.

            “It’s taken a lot to get here… But yeah, I think I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.” He gave the other’s hand a squeeze and then turned onto the path that led to the “cu-de-sac” they were aiming for.

            The flat stone gleamed up at them with its word carvings reading:

Lee TaeMin


You’ll forever be in our hearts.

            Dried up flowers were wilting by the tomb stone and JongHyun quickly replaced them with the new ones he’d brought along. He kneeled there, taking comfort in Key’s hand resting on his shoulder. Quiet words were spoken in his head like every other time he came and visited.

            Even though months – years nearly – had gone by since TaeMin’s passing he still remained faithful to his best friend by coming to visit his grave site as often as possible and speaking to him about every new thing happening that might have interested him.

            When all had been said and done, he rose to his feet and brushed off his jeans.

            He couldn’t deny that he missed TaeMin’s bubble persona. Everything from his silky hair that he loved to ruffle and the way he used to dance around the room so gracefully made the hole in his chest ache. But time had to move on. He had to grow up. At least he’d had a good life full of laughter and smiles. He’d had MinHo, JongHyun, and a loving family that had supported him through all his endeavours. Even when TaeMin had commenced his sure descent downwards they’d all stuck by his side to make sure he departed happily.

            Unbeknownst to him, as he was all wrapped up in his memories, tears began silently cascading down JongHyun’s face. A pair of arms snaked around his waist from behind and a familiar chin settled in the crook on his shoulder.

            “Are you okay?” Key whispered into his ear.

            JongHyun nodded. “Fine… I just miss him… He was so young… Barely eighteen…” he murmured.

            “He lived a good life, though, hyung… I mean, he had you as his best friend didn’t he?”

            “I just wish he was here for this… He would have liked to see this…” Taking in a shaky breath the short boy turned away from the grave site and into the awaiting arms of his boyfriend. Everything felt complete when they were in each other’s arms. Even when pieces were missing there was still something wholesome about their embraces. No matter where they would be, in rain or sunshine, as long as they were together everything was divine.

            Being in Key’s arms at this moment reminded JongHyun of the note that had gotten them together in the first place. To this day he still carried around that god awful notebook with its flashy pink colour and sparkles. All because of that one little message hidden in the back under all those unused pages.

            That one note that had made JongHyun want to stay with Key for better or for worse…

            “We should get going…” Key said, pulling away from his boyfriend unwillingly.

            “We should,” JongHyun agreed. He adjusted his tie only to have Key push his hands away and do it for him.

            “Are you ready for this?” he asked.

            That one note that had made him want to take Key through sickness and health.

            “I don’t know…”

            That had made him want to take Key for everything he had.

            “Are you ready now?”

            That had made him want to take Key’s hand and walk down the path of his life with him for all eternity.

            “I’m going to TaeSun’s wedding; do I have to be ready?”

            “Yah! Show a little more respect to your elders!” Key scolded.

            JongHyun simply chuckled and pulled Key off in the direction of the chapel. Happiness buzzed around him and the sun seemed to shine brighter than normal. TaeMin was probably laughing at them from wherever he was perched now, most likely thinking the same thing about his older brother’s wedding.

            One day, JongHyun wanted to be walking down the same path as TaeSun. With Key. The day he proposed to him would some soon, though. Even if he wouldn’t be able to do it the same way. He’d be willing to travel halfway around the world just to make the seal with the beautiful boy gliding next to him.

            Reaching into his pant pocket, JongHyun felt to see if that little velvet box was still there. The day this box opened would be the day he framed that note written in his pink notebook. Thinking about it now just lightened up his mood.

            Key was everything he wanted and more. Like a ribbon dipped in glitter, that boy had wrapped around his heart in one lucky – one very sparkly – encounter.

You’re stupid!

Because you can’t see how much I like your STUPID dinosaur face and YOU.

                             -Almighty, beautiful, gorgeous, fabulous

Key ♥


So guys, this marks the very end of A Sparkly Encounter! It was great doing this story; I absolutely loved writing it and did not think I would ever finish it! I hope you guys keep supporting me and go read my new fanfic The Baby Mill which I will update either now or tomorrow!

My question and answer period is still open to all of you who have questions about me and what I do. I will answer them on my profile in my 'About Me' section area, so please look forward to it.

I want to thank you all for giving all of your amazing feed back and keeping so supportive even when I went missing in action for quite a bit. Thanks for everything, you guys were the extra boost I needed for me to get this finished!

Hwaiting and stay healthy!


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