A Sparkly Encounter (A JongKey Fanfic) THIRTY-THREE

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            Delicate snowflakes descended down in to the streets of Seoul the day before JongHyun’s and Key’s final exam. They sat in one of the deserted aisles of the store with their text books all around them and mugs of coffee in their hands.

            “Repeat the second theorem to me,” JongHyun ordered Key.

            He did exactly that – reciting word for word the theorem that he had memorized ages ago. The praise he received from JongHyun afterwards inflated his ego just the tiniest – biggest – of bits.

            For a good portion of the afternoon the two boys quizzed each other on the material that would most likely be asked on their exam.

            “Are you nervous?” JongHyun asked as they packed up their books.

            “Not really… This is my best class so I know everything like the back of my hand,” Key said nonchalantly. He tossed his fluffy pink pen (courtesy of the store) into his equally fluffy and pink pencil case before getting up.

            “You’re seriously not nervous?” JongHyun pressed.

            “Nope.” Key popped the ‘p’ on his word, knowing it would annoy JongHyun to no end.

            As they began walking up the stairs to the apartment JongHyun fought back some sarcastic words.  He shook his head disbelieving of Key and asked again, “You’re really not nervous for the exam?”

            “All right, you got me,” Key admitted, pushing open the door to the apartment. “I am nervous.”
            A triumphant grin pushed JongHyun’s mouth open into a cocky grin. “I knew it!” he shouted.

            “I’m nervous for you. I don’t think you’re tiny dino brain will be able to handle all the pressure.” Key didn’t wait around to catch JongHyun’s reaction. He dropped his books on the coffee table and ran away to JongHyun’s room, locking himself in.

            When the light turned on in the upstairs cabin, JongHyun bolted after the smart mouthed youngster.

            “You little brat!” he called teasingly.

            “You can’t deny the truth, hyung!” Key laughed. He nearly keeled over when JongHyun started pounding on the door. He could have probably unlocked the door and settled down on the bed without him noticing.  Or he could make things even more fun by swinging the door open and surprising JongHyun so much that he fell.

            “Key! Open the door right now!” JongHyun begged. His voice took on the whiny edge that children’s voices acquired when they were desperately begging their parents for candy at the store.

            “Okay!” Key obliged all too kindly. In one swift motion he had the door open. He had planned on getting his entertainment from the look on JongHyun’s face (since surely he couldn’t be stupid or clumsy enough to fall), but everything happened s fast. One second JongHyun was pounding on the door, the next he was tumbling over Key in a flail of arms and legs.

            They hit the floor hard, Key breaking most of the fall. He cushioned the older one’s fall as he toppled on top of him. Their chests bumped together hard, knocking the breath out of them both.

            “Ow…” Key groaned when he caught his breath.

            JongHyun was still struggling to find his oxygen so he had no time to worry about Key’s condition.

            “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re clumsier than Onew hyung,” Key said.

            “You’re the one who just opened the door like that,” JongHyun shot back.

            Key was ready to launch into a verbal battle with JongHyun until he realized exactly what position they were in. Chests pressed together (amongst other things quickly making him squirm) and their faces inches apart. If he really had wanted to he could just move his hand up a bit and press their lips together…

            JongHyun was a bit dazed himself. From this close together he was able to trace the perfect shape of Key’s lips with his eyes. He could study the real colour of his eyes… Even though they were clearly brown he couldn’t stop thinking that they were so much more…

            He had to tell him, Key thought. He couldn’t go on loving him in secret like this – it was too painful. He had to close that little gap between them and –

            “There better be a darn good reason why you two are like this.”

            Onew’s voice jolted the two apart. JongHyun rolled off Key and jumped to his feet. Key followed his actions more slowly. His face was flared up with pink as he blushed up a storm. Straightening up his clothes he managed to establish eye contact with his hyung only to look away when he saw the look they held.

            That night where JongHyun had gotten drunk came back to Key, playing clear as HD in his head.

            “I don’t think JongHyun likes guys…”

            He had to take a chance…

            “Don’t worry hyung; we were just making out, nothing big,” Key lied.

            “What?! No we weren’t! I’m not gay!” JongHyun exploded.

            Key flinched slightly at how defensive he got. The look Onew gave him only made him want to bury down deeper under the rock he was being squished by.

            As JongHyun continued to defend his sexuality and deny Key’s accusation – completely ignoring Onew saying he knew it was a lie – Key planned. In a sudden burst of determination he clenched his fists. Tomorrow, after the exam, he would declare his feelings to JongHyun. No matter if he thought he already knew the answer.

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