Chapter One: The Celestial Spirit Mage.

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Chapter One: The Celestial Spirit Mage.

"Mannnn! Why did we have to take a boring job?" Natsu asked.

"You don't even know what we have to do." Lucy said. Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Happy, Wendy Marvell, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster and Carla were taking a job and had just gotten off the train.

"Hey, this station if pretty nice, its got a café and a few shops." Gray said.

"I need something to eat." Natsu said. They were walking to the café, when Natsu bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch it." The person said.

"Geeze, sorry, no need to be rude." Natsu said.

"You got a problem?" The person asked. The person was a man and he was with two girls and a boy around 15.

"Yes, your attitude, we're sorry for bumping into you but you do not have to be rude." Erza said.

"They're from Fairy Tail." The boy said. The man grinned.

"Well that's lame." He said.

"What did you say?!" Gray exclaimed.

"We're part of the Phoenix Guild and we're way stronger than you fairies." The man said.

"I've heard the of Phoenix Guild. They're really strong and well known for their powerful mages, but they've never once entered the Grand Magic Games." Wendy explained.

"That's right so don't mess with us!" The man exclaimed.

"Excuse me." A girl said. She was around 19. She had long light lavender hair with an indigo fringe that went in front of one of her eyes. Her eye colour was a light brown. She wore a silver dress with a golden belt and brown boots. She also had two golden cuff bracelets.

"What do you want?" A girl asked.

"Did you say you're from the Phoenix Guild?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's right." The man said. "What's it to you? Want an autograph?"

"Oh, nothing much." The girl smiled. She then turned around and kicked the man in the face, sending him flying into a wall. Everyone's eyes went wide.

"W-who are you?!" The boy exclaimed. The girl put her hand on her arm and showed them a mark of a Phoenix rising from the flames.

"I'm Emiko Seishin of the Phoenix Guild and I haven't seen your faces before!" She said. The group went pale and they ran off. The girl named Emiko walked to the man and picked him up by his shirt. "You're disgracing the name of Phoenix Guild and we don't like that." She said.

"I-I'm sorry!" The man cried.

"She's so scary." Lucy said as she and Wendy hid behind Erza.

"If I hear you and your friends saying you're in our guild or any other guild but your not, I'll send the S-Class dragon slayer of our guild. She doesn't act nicely to people disgracing our guild." Emiko said with a dark look. She then threw the man through the wall.

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