Chapter Twelve: The Light Nine Tailed Fox.

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"I can't. I don't have a lot of energy!" Emiko said.

"We'll give you ours." Lucy said as she, Yukino and Hisui stepped forward. Emiko smiled. The four put one of their hands on the key.

"Did she say Raitofokkusu? Oh no!" Dāku said.

"Open! Gate of the Light Nine Tailed Fox! Raitofokkusu!" The four shouted. A bright light went around them. The four looked at each other and they were suddenly picked up. The four looked down to see themselves sat on a Light Nine Tailed Fox.

"I am at your aid my lady. Just call me Raito." The Fox was female. Her fur was white and eyes were yellow.

"The Light Nine Tailed Fox..." Hakuoh gasped.

Chapter Twelve: The Light Nine Tailed Fox.

Hakuoh was sat on the floor. She couldn't move very well because of her summoning. Etsuko and Natsu ran to her and carried her out of the way.

"This could end up being a blood bath." Hibiki said.

"Raitofokkusu." Dāku said.

"Dākufokkusu." Raito said. "You should had stayed in your cell you was put in 200 years ago." Raito said.

"So... There's a celestial fox?" Sting asked.

"Sort of. She's a real nine tailed fox, but she was put inside the key to preserve her magic and for her to have a home. The key is her home." Yukichi explained.

"Must be small." Gray said.

"Actually, it's pretty roomy." Etsuko said.

"You've been in one?" Kimitsuki asked.

"Yeah. I went in the phoenix's one. What was her name again? Fenkoku?" Etsuko asked.

"Fenikkusu." Flame said with a sweat drop.

"Right!" Etsuko said.

"What are you waiting for?!" Kira exclaimed. She was suddenly kicked off Dāku's back by Ameko. They both landed. "Ameko."

"Kira." Ameko said. They both shot magic at each other. Kira's was black, while Ameko's was white.

"Let's do this Raito!" Emiko said.

"Yes my lady." Raito said. A light orb began to form over one of her tails. A dark orb began to form over one of Dāku's tails. They both shot the orbs at the same time. The orbs had crossed each other and was hesding towards the two foxes. Dāku and Raito both dodged the attack. The two ran at each other and went to attack with their claws. Dāku on top and Raito under, but they both missed each other again. Yukino climbed near Raito's ear and whispered something. Raito nodded. She ran at Dāku and Dāku ran at her. They both did the same again, but this time, Raito had a light orb on all of her tails and shot four of them as Dāku was passing. When Dāku fell over from being shot, Raito turned around quickly and shot the remaining five orbs at five of his tails, coursing them to burn.

"Damn you Raitofokkusu." Dāku said as he got up weakly. He felt a pain in his chest and put his paw there. He looked and saw Kira fall to the ground. She was dead, but she was knock unconscious, which made him weaker. "Damn you weak mortal."

"What's with the bad breath?" Ameko asked.

"Why does everyone point that out?! It's not that bad!" Dāku shouted.

"Actually it is dude." Etsuko said.

"Now Raito!" Lucy shouted. Dāku looked and immediately, he got thrown into a wall, almost breaking it. Dāku was about to get up, until he felt a pain in his sixth tail.

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