Chapter Eight: Saving the Celestial Mages.

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"Emiko. Emiko." Emiko slowly opened her eyes to see Lucy, Yukino and Princess Hisui. Emiko groaned as she sat up.

"What happened?" She asked.

"We've been kidnapped." Hisui said.

"Oh, so you're finally awake." Someone said. The four turned their heads to see Kira stood outside of their cell. She smirked. "Good, because I'll need that resurrection spell." Kira said. Emiko's eyes went wide.

Chapter Nine: Saving the Celestial Mages.

"I'll never perform that spell! Now let us out!" Emiko ordered as she walked to the cell bars and began to shake on them.

"Oh trust me, I'll get it out of you someway." Kira said as she left them, laughing.

"The resurrection spell? Only a powerful mage with the power of spirits can perform that." Hisui said. Emiko looked down.

"It was the first spell my dragon taught me." Emiko said as she looked down. "Her name was Tentai Seishin. She was the dragon queen of spirits." Emiko explained.

Flash Back...

"Being a spirit dragon slayer can be a positive thing, but also a negative thing." Tentai said. She was a beautiful dragon with cream colour scales. She had large wings and her eyes were like pearls.

"What do you mean?" Emiko asked. She was about 4 years old.

"Positive. You can bring people back to life. Negative. People can come after you for your power. Are you sure you wish to be with me still?" Tentai asked.

"Y-yes! I do!" Emiko said.

"Very well. The first thing I shall teach you is the resurrection spell. We'll start small, like a leaf." Tentai said as she walked away. The young Emiko followed her.

[Emiko's Voice] I loved being with Tentai. She was the best mother I could ask for. She treated me like her own daughter, even though I was human. I learned and perfected the resurrection by the age of 9, but by then, Tentai had already left.

Out of Flashback.

"That's awful." Lucy said.

"If it wasn't for her, I don't know how I could have survived. Sometimes I can feel her close to me. I can feel her warmth at times, but then I remember she's not here." Emiko explained.

"You sounded very close." Hisui said.

"We were. I used to tease her though." Emiko giggled.

Flash back...

[Emiko's Voice] We were going on a walk. I was about five. We walked through the forest, but then some little dragons, dark ones, began to attack us. Tentai took me to safety, but as she was about to fly to attack, they knocked her down, over a cliff.

"Mother!" I yelled out. I heard her roar. I had tears fall down my face like waterfalls, but then, a bright light began to form. Tentai was being carried by this bright dragon. I ran to my mother, who was place down and hugged her. She out me on her back as we flew away with the other dragon. I noticed there was a young boy on the dragon.

Out of Flash Back.

"They explained to me that they were old friends, but I always thought they were more." Emiko giggled. The others giggled too.

"What dragon was it?" Yukino asked.

"His name was Weisslogia. The white dragon." Emiko said. Yukino gasped.

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