Chapter Nine: The Strength Of the Flame Dragon Slayer.

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"Heh. Say you'll help me and everyone will be safe." Kira said. Emiko looked down.

"I... Have something to say." She said.

"Oh?" Kira asked.

"Yeah..." Emiko said. She looked at Kira with a grin. "It's about to get hot in here!" Kira's eyes went wide. She looked and saw Etsuko in the air with flames in her hand. Kira dropped Emiko. She tried to move, but her feet were frozen to the ground. She looked and saw Yukichi smirked with her hands out. It seemed that Gray gave her a hand, since his hand was out and his other hand was holding Yukichi's hand.

"Flame dragon iron fist!" Etsuko shouted as she punched Kira in the face, coursing the ice to break from the heat of the flame and coursing Kira to get thrown into a wall. Everyone grinned. Kira looked at Etsuko, who stood up straight.


"Next time, make sure I'm actually down." Etsuko stated. Kira growled as she got up.

"I will ressurect the Dark Nine Tails Fox!" Kira shouted as she put her arms in the air. The ground began to shake and Kira started to laugh. Suddenly, figures made of stone appeared. "Awaken my soldiers and serve your queen!" Kira shouted. She continued to laugh like a psychopath.

Chapter Nine: The Strength Of the Flame Dragon Slayer.

The stone figures began to move stiffly. They were all gargoyles and small dragons. The small dragons, which looked like the size of a dog, roared.

"Heh, I'll destroy them all." Etsuko said, showing her fist full of fire. Emiko got up weakly.

"I'll... Help..."

"I'm your state?" Etsuko asked.

"This is really a strong opponent because I've only used this key once." Emiko said as she pulled out a key. "Open! Gate of the Phoenix! Fenikkusu!" Emiko shouted. Suddenly, a beautiful Phoenix appeared. It flew around Emiko, leaving little red sparkles. It then flew around Etsuko and above the others. Red sparkles touched them and all of their scratches had gone. They were all healed and stood up. "Thanks Feni!" Emiko said. The Phoenix disappeared.

"What was that?" Yukino asked.

"Fenikkusu. She's the Phoenix Spirit. Whenever I summon her, she'll heal anyone on my side." Emiko explained.

"Whoa!" Lucy gasped.

"Hey! Instead of chatting, it would be nice for some help!" Daisuke shouted as he shot a gargoyle to pieces.

"Right." The three said. Etsuko smashed three dragons and two gargoyles. She then ran to Kira and those two began to fight. Etsuko had fire in her hands while Kira had dark magic in hers.

"Ah, Etsuko Flame." Kira said as she went to punch Etsuko, but Etsuko blocked it.

"You look like one of my guild members. You must have been the twin she was talking about. I feel sorry for her." Etsuko said as she went to kick Kira, but Kira blocked it.

"Is it true you're looking for your father?" Kira asked as she went to punch Etsuko again, but Etsuko blocked it.

"What's it to you?" Etsuko asked. Kira laughed as she jumped back onto higher ground.

"Oh my dear dragon slayer. Did you not know that Atlas Flame is dead?" Kira asked.

"What?" Etsuko asked.

"He was the guardian of the Sun Village, and his last part of his life left not too long ago." Kira explained with an evil grin. Etsuko's eyes went wide as a tear fell down her cheek.

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