Chapter Eleven: The Dark Nine Tails Fox.

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"Ahem. Hello everyone. I'm Dākufokkusu the dark Nine tails fox, just call me Dāku for short, anddddddd, I'm gonna destroy you." He said with another roar.

"Talk about blunt." Gray said.

"My nostrils." Natsu said, covering his nose. Gray just sighed. Dāku looked around and then he spotted Hakuoh.

"Oh, hey, you're that kid who was with that dragon." He said. Hakuoh frown as Dāku put his face near hers. "You've really grown."

"D-don't come so close! It's rude!" Hakuoh shouted.

"Oh, sorry." Dāku said and everyone else sweat dropped.

"What was Zeref thinking?" Erza asked.

"Maybe he had a sense of humour." Macao said.

"If is did... It wasn't a good one." Wakaba said. Once again, everyone sweat dropped as they looked at the so called Dark Nine Tailed Fox.

Chapter Eleven: The Dark Nine Tails Fox.

"I'm not sure if I'll be able to take him serious." Emiko said.

"Me neither." The others said.

"Then will this make you take me seriously?" Dāku asked as one of his tails went straight and a dark orb began to grow above it.

"You need to form a portal to make it go behind the tailed fox!" Hakuoh's dragon said.

"Everyone, get behind me." Hakuoh said as she stood up.

"Why?" Gajeel asked.

"Just do it!" Hakuoh shouted. Dāku threw the orb at them. Hakuoh out her hands out. A bright light appeared as the orb got closer to them. When the light disappeared, everyone looked to see the orb had gone.

"Did you destroy it?" Laxus asked.

"Impossible." Dāku said, but suddenly, he was shot from behind by his very own orb. "Heh... Impressive." He said in pain. Kira woke up and sat up weakly.

"My lord!" She gasped at Dāku.

"Human, come sit on my back at once! Then I can consume your power." Dāku said.

"Now he seems serious." Romeo said.

"Yeah, but his breath still stinks." Yuuji said. Kira got up and jumped on Dāku's back.

"I wonder why he hasn't killed her yet." Erza said.

"If she dies, he becomes weak. Since he was inside her, they have a bond." Hakuoh said.

"You sure have done your homework." Erza smiled.

"I've been wanting to take him down since he killed Sōzō." Hakuoh said.

"Your dragon?" Erza asked. Hakuoh nodded. "You know revenge doesn't bring back the dead." Erza said.

"I know that." Hakuoh said. She then smiled. "But I can help her rest in peace and make sure what happened to her doesn't happen to anyone else in the future." Hakuoh said. Erza smiled.

"I see, well, let's do our best to make sure this can't happen in the future." Erza said.

"So how do we make him weak?" Minerva asked.

"His tails. Freeze one, burn one, whatever. You have to damage it to the point he can't use them. He can recover, but his tails take longer." Hakuoh explained.

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