Chapter Four: A Party Disaster.

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"So, where is the master of your guild?" Erza asked as she picked up Makarov and walked out of the carriage.

"Did someone call for me?" Someone asked. An elderly woman walked out of the guild. Her hair was a pale pinkish-grey and her eyes were closed. She was wearing a red dress and black heels. Makarov suddenly woke up and his eyes went wide.

"Master Kino!" Makarov said as he jumped down.

"Master Makarov. What a pleasure." Kino smiled.

"Are we late?" Lucy asked.

"No. Early." Kino said. "The party doesn't start for another hour." Kino said. Hakuoh and Emiko then landed their carriages and everyone got out. "Since you're all here, follow me." Kino said. She walked inside and everyone followed. Their eyes went wide. The guild hall was huge. "Welcome to the Phoenix Guild." Kino smiled.

Chapter Four: A Party Disaster.

30 minutes later...

The party wasn't starting for another 30 minutes. Everyone were just sat in the Phoenix Guild, meeting Phoenix Guild Members.

Natsu walked outside to get some air with Happy, but the two immediately sweat dropped at what they saw. Etsuko was holding onto a lamp post while A small girl with messy pale lavender hair in two high pony tails tried to pull her with Emiko. The little girl was wearing a dark brown cape with a black dress and a little teal skirt going around it. She also wore fingerless gloves and black boots. Two exceeds were helping. The white one that was with Emiko when the Fairy Tail lot met her and a dark blue female one. The dark blue exceed had a black guild mark over her eye and had a little hair sticking up. She also wore a dark brown cape with a black dress.

"Wearing a gown for a few hours won't kill you!" Emiko shouted.

"Yes it will!" Etsuko cried.

"C'mon Naomi! Pull!" Emiko said.

"I'm trying Emi! I'm not as string as Nee-San." The girl named Naomi cried.

" Let's try harder Kimitsuki!" The white exceed said.

"I'm trying Kirari!" The dark blue exceed said.

"No! I don't wanna!" Etsuko cried.

"Master said she'll derank you if you don't wear a gown!" Naomi said.

"What?!" Etsuko exclaimed. Her fingers then slipped and the girls all fell into the wall. All their eyes were spinning and Natsu and Happy sweat dropped again.

"Urm..." They said.


"Success!" Naomi and Emiko cheered as they had Etsuko in their arms. Her eyes were spinning. The girls then took her in.

"I don't know what to say to that." Happy said.

"This guild is weird." Natsu said and Happy nodded.

Later on...

The top guilds from the Grand Magic Games were at the party.

Fairy Tail.


Lamia Scale.

Mermaid Heel.

Quattro Cerberus.

Blue Pegasus.

Everyone were having a great time. Even the princess of Fiore, Princess Hisui and her loyal guard, Arcadios.

"Have the met the celestial spirit of this guild yet?" Lucy asked. Her, Yukino and Princess Hisui were having a conversation.

"No, but sorcerer magazine said she was a celestial spirit dragon slayer and that she was very strong." Yukino said.

"That's wrong." Someone said. The three looked to see Emiko wearing a silver and golden gown. She also wore some accessories and had her hair in a bun. "Hi there, sorry to intrude on your conversation. I heard you talking about me." Emiko said, scratching the back of her head.

"Hey, no problem. So what was wrong?" Lucy asked.

"I'm a spirit dragon slayer, not a celestial spirit dragon slayer. I don't think there is a celestial dragon, if so, it's a spirit and not an actual dragon like my mother." Emiko explained.

"You must be pretty powerful. I've heard you have the Phoenix key." Hisui said.

"Oh, your highness, yes, I do." Emiko smiled. Her hears began to twitched.

"Is something wrong?" Yukino asked. Emiko sniffed the air.

"Something's not right." Emiko said. She ran off and the three mages followed. Emiko ran into a room and the girls chased after her.

"I wonder where Emiko went..." Yukichi said.

"Yeah, isn't she supposed to perform tonight?" Naomi asked. The two walked through the crowd, u til they found Hakuoh, talking to Sting and Rogue of Sabertooth.

"Haku!" Yukichi said. Hakuoh sighed as she looked at the girls.

"Don't call me that." Hakuoh said.

"Have you seen Emiko? She's supposed to be performing later, right?" Naomi asked.

"Urm... No, I haven't... Usually she's mingling." Hakuoh said. Suddenly, a loud explosion acured and so did four screams. Everyone's eyes went wide. Suddenly, a large explosion course a hole in one of the walls. Three people walked in. Two large men a woman. The large men were holding the four celestial spirits.

"Princess Hisui!" Arcadios shouted.

"Luce!" Natsu shouted.


"Hm, too many people. We had to chose a night when you're all gathered together..." The woman sighed. She had long, curly brown hair and black eyes. She wore a very revealing red dress and black boots that went to her thighs.

"Who are you?" Kino asked. Everyone of the Phoenix Guild seemed ready for a fight.

"Kira Knight. I'm here for something important, but I guess I won't get it tonight."

"What do you want with Emiko?!" Naomi shouted.

"Of course, her power." Kira grinned.

"Where's Hakuoh and Yukichi?" Naomi asked herself. Sting and Rogue heard her and looked around. All of a sudden, Yukichi landed from jumping and punched Kira with an arm that looked like an ice claw. Kira looked up.

"Someone for the demon ice clan in person. What a pleasure." Kira smirked. Suddenly, a water bubble went around her. Everyone turned to see Hakuoh. The bubble then froze.

"Imagination magic, seven swords." Hakuoh mumbled. Seven swords suddenly appeared. "Slash." The swords began to slash every around the bubble. The frozen bubble smashed and Kira fell to the ground. She looked at Hakuoh.

"The white Phoenix!" Kira gasped. She suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of the two men. "Shadow soldiers! I summon thee from the ground!" Kira shouted. Suddenly, men made of shadows appeared. Erza suddenly changed her armour.

"If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you shall have!" Erza said. Suddenly everyone began to attack the shadow figures.

"Let's take our leave." Kira said.

"Give Emiko back!" Etsuko shouted. She had torn a gown she was wearing, which was flame red. Etsuko had fire in her hands and jumped. She went to hit Kira, but Kira waved her arm.

"Shadow explosion." Kira said. Suddenly, Etsuko was shot back. Natsu managed to catch her. They looked at each other and then at Kira. She was laughing as she and the men disappeared with the celestial spirits.

"No..." Etsuko said.

TBC ...

By the way, this is the picture of Hakuoh.

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