Chapter Seven: Queen Of The Underworld.

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"Kiyomi!" Mira screamed.

"Poison." Laxus growled.

"I was never told to bring her back alive." Marome said with a shrug. Suddenly, a light appeared in the smoke. "What's that?" She asked. The smoke began to evaporate into... Someone's mouth.

"What a beautiful taste." Someone said. The smoke all evaporated to reveal Kiyomi, in a demon form. Everyone's eyes went wide.

"What is that?" Freed asked. Kiyomi's hair fell in front of one of her eyes. Her lips were covered with a ruby red lipstick. Her eyes were normal. she had black horns coming out of her head and wore a black cape. She wore a black one piece which showed her stomach, chest, legs and arms. She also wore black boots that went to her thighs. She also had a black tale coming out.

"That's Kiyomi's Satan Soul form. The Queen of the Underworld." Mira said.

Chapter Seven: Queen Of The Underworld.

Kiyomi looked at Marome who jumped a little. Kiyomi then looked down with a smile.

"It's been awhile since I've been able to be in this form. Someone must have attacked me and everyone here has a guild mark of a good mark." Kiyomi explained. Her voice sounded different. Kiyomi then looked at Marome again with a frown. "So it must be you!" She said. Marome continued to throw poisoness gas bombs at Kiyomi, but it didn't help.

"Stay away!" Marome said. Kiyomi began to walk towards Marome.

"As queen of the underworld, I must deal with you since you tried to kill me." Kiyomi said as she stopped. She put her hand out and a dark orb appeared. Marome stepped back. "Dark spirit explosion." She said. A large blast like Mirajane's Soul extinction came out of the orb and was shot at Marome, but Marome managed to dodge it by falling to the ground. Once the blast stopped, Marome looked at Kiyomi, shaking. Kiyomi put her hand on her hip. "Huh. You're not very strong are you?" Kiyomi asked. Marome got up and wings appeared in her back. She began to fly off. "Where do you think you're going?!" Kiyomi shouted as bat wings sprung from her back. Kiyomi then flew after Marome.

"Kiyomi!" Mira shouted. She quickly turned into her Satan Would form and flew after them. The others followed by foot.


Yukichi was thrown into a wall and then she fell to the ground. Kaisai was floating in the air.

"Well this isn't what I expected from you big sister." She said. Kaisai had a red horns like Yukichi's sticking out of her head, which were glowing, and her eyes were glowing too. Her skin colour had turned darker while the back of her eyes had gone red.

"Is Yukichi-San ok?" Juvia asked as she and Gray ran to Yukichi. Yukichi got up weakly. Daisuke jumped on the wall with a large gun.

"Sniper shot: Ice cage!" He shouted, but the shot was cancelled by Yukichi, who had her hand out. "Yukichi." Daisuke said. Yukichi got up, shakily. She had scratches allover her body.

"This is my fight. You go on to find Emiko." Yukichi said.

"And leave you alone?" Erza asked.

"I'll be fine, after all..." Yukichi said as she looked up with a grin. Her eyes began to glow and so did her horns. "I'm not even using my full demonic transformation yet." She said.

"You've been holding back?" Hibiki asked.

"That's incredible, and kind of annoying since we couldn't hit her with our full power." Orga said.

"Alright, we'll leave her to you!" Daisuke said. He, Orga, Hibiki and Erza ran off.

"Aren't you two going?" Yukichi asked.

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