Chapter Thirteen: Heartbeat.

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"Well, let's get this done because we do have a party to prepare for." Kino smiled.

"Seriously?" Emiko asked happily.

"Is the guild ok?" Kiyomi asked worriedly.

"We get two parties in one week?" Naomi asked with a sparkle in her eye.

"We don't have to wear gowns again do we?" Yukichi and Etsuko asked.

"Yes, Yes, Yes and no." Kino said.

"Yes!" Etsuko and Yukichi cheered as they jumped in the air.

"Well, let's go children." Makarov said. Ameko picked up Kira, Jinsune picked up Marome while holding Dāku.

"Hopefully that's the last time that will happen." Makarov said.

"Agreed. I don't want to see another dark Nine Tailed Fox in my life." Kino said.

Chapter Thirteen: Heartbeat.

A few days later...

Everyone were inside the Phoenix Guild, have another party. Everyone were there, or at least, everyone from last time, but this time, the King showed up. Everyone were talking, dancing and just having a blast.

"Hey, Yuuji, you alright?" Romeo asked concerned. Yuuji had been staring at something. As soon as he heard Romeo ask him if he's ok, he jumped.

"Y-yeah!" Yuuji said. Romeo lifted his eyebrow. Yuuji sighed. "It's Naomi." Yuuji said.

"Do you like her?" Romeo asked.

"I like her as much as you like Wendy." Yuuji said.

"W-what?!" Romeo asked, turning bright red.

"Don't deny it. I can sense these sort of things." Yuuji explained. Romeo sighed.

"You got me. Where are they?" Romeo asked. Yuuji moved his head left before looking away. Romeo looked.

He saw Wendy was wearing a light blue dress with blue flats. She had some fingerless gloves, which were white. She also had her hair half up, half down, with a light blue bow. Naomi was wearing something similar to Wendy, but it was in dark blue.

"Man..  This is so embarrassing." Naomi said. She had turned bright red.

"Why don't you tell Yuuji you like him?" Wendy asked in a giggle.

"There's more of a chance you telling Romeo your feelings." Naomi said.

"H-huh?!" Wendy exclaimed, turning red.

"Don't hide it. I know you like him." Naomi giggled as she poked Wendy's cheek. Wendy sighed.

"You got me." Wendy sighed.

"Hi!" Someone said. The two turned their heads to see it was Kasai.

"Kasai, hi. You look nice." Naomi said. Kasai was wearing a red dress with red shoes and a black Cardigan.

"Thanks. Nee-San helped me pick my dress today. Isn't it pretty?" Kasai asked as she twirled. As she did, her dress sparkled.

"Wow." The two said.

"Hey, you three, can I burrow you?" Yukichi said. The three blinked.

A little while later...

"Excuse me everyone!" Someone shouted. Everyone turned to the door to see Kiyomi smiling. "Can you all come outside please?" She asked. "Oh, and no pushing." She added before going outside. Everyone walked outside, to be greeted with a stage. The curtains opened to reveal Emiko with a mic. Music began to play and she began to sing.

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