Chapter Six: Entering A Dark Place.

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"Now you are all in groups, go. We'll join with you soon." Makarov said. Everyone were in groups and they nodded.

"Yes sir!" They all said as they saluted and left.

"Kino, Bob, I think us three must pay a visit to an old friend." Makarov said.

"I was just thinking the same thing." Kino said.

"Well let's go~!" Bob said cheerfully. The three then walked out of the guild hall.

Chapter Six: Entering A Dark Place.

The groups all went on a ship in a shape of a Phoenix, built by the Phoenix Guild themselves. Inside was very large. It had two floors.

"This is amazing." Levy gasped.

"I wonder who came up with the designs. It's very impressive." Jet said.

"That would be Hakuoh." Kiyomi smiled.

"Hakuoh? Isn't she supposed to be strong mentally and physically?" Levy asked with eyes like a child.

"Yes. She's one of our strongest members." Kiyomi explained.

"So who is your strongest member?" Mirajane asked as she walked to them.

"Hm... It would be Taiga-San. He's the only one in the guild so far to take a century quest and complete it in the guild." Kiyomi explained.

"That sounds impressive, much like Gildarts." Erza said as she walked to them.

"Gildarts Clive? I think I've met him..." Kiyomi said.

"You have?" Droy asked.

"Um. Tall?"





"That's Gildarts." Erza said.

"Yes. I've met him. Our jobs once collided and he helped me, erm, when I was able to use my takeover form..." Kiyomi explained.

"We're here." Daisuke said. He was the one driving the ship.

"How do you know?" Yukichi asked.

"It's a dark isolated castle and also, I managed to throw a tracking device on Emiko before they disappeared." Daisuke explained.

"Oh..." Yukichi said.

"And if those two idiotic fire dragon slayers stayed with us, they'd be here too." Daisuke said.

"Um, Daisuke." Hakuoh said. Daisuke looked at Hakuoh, who was pointing somewhere. Daisuke looked and his eye began to twitch. There was a hole in the wall, which seemed to be coursed by fire.

"That must be Natsu and your fire dragon slayer." Erza said. "Everyone, get into the groups you were assigned in and go your separate ways to find the girls. Be careful!" Erza said.

Everyone had run off the ship in their groups and all went in separate directions.

Group one- Mirajane, Kiyomi, Lisanna, Elfman, Laxus, Freed, Evergreen and Bickslow.

Mirajane, Kiyomi, Lisanna, Elfman, Laxus, Freed, Evergreen and Bickslow were running through a hall.

"Wait!" Mira shouted as she stopped. Everyone stopped and looked at her. Suddenly, smoke bombs were thrown at them, but they all dodged them by jumping back.

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