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She walks in the room like a boss, and all the talking from the students dies down. Everyone watched as she made it to her desk and sets her purse down on top of her desk. She looks around the classroom at all the unfamiliar teenagers. The boys are either undressing her with their eyes, or the girls look at her like they wanna be her.

The way her seductive eyes stares at you like she's trying to tell a mystery story. The sexiness of her curved lips. The softness of her skin. Her smooth, caramel complexion like buttermilk. Her nice, curvaceous body that you never wanna take your eyes off of. The word sexy was an understatement to her beauty.

This woman was breathtaking. Nobody couldn't tell her she was ugly because if you did you lying your ass off. This woman knew how good she looked. She could be mistaken for a model. All of the female teachers envied her, except her best friend who was the assistant principal at the school.

When she walks into any room it's like time itself just stops. Her vibe is intimidating, yet calm at the same time. All the male teachers knew who she was. It was a lot of them just wanted to get into her panties. Little did they know that Miss Braxton is not like that. She is not some hoe trying to sell her body on a street corner trying do something strange for a piece of change.

She's an independent, strong woman. She's nice when necessary. She doesn't take shit from nobody. She's not afraid to share her opinion either. It's hard to believe that a sexy ass woman like her is still single. But, the truth is that she haven't found that one person that was man enough for her.

Not only is she a teacher, but she's a singer for her second job. She's not famous, but she will sing at the opening of a band-aid at any club, so she is known over town.

This sexy, independent, curveous, woman has a name, and if you don't know her, you will..

Her name is Toni...Toni Braxton.

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