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Before Meek and Nicki....

"Where the fuck is Meek bitch ass at wit my girl?" August asked one of Meek's workers pissed off. They found one of his worker's having sex with a ugly ass broad in another part of Meek's house. Sneak shot the dumb ass broad in her titties. After that, they dragged Meek's worker in Meek's basement and beat his ass until he gave up where Meek was.

"I ain't tellin' y'all stupid motherfuckers shit!" Meek's nigga said. They found out his name was Stephen.

"This bastard must think I'm playin' wit his ass!" August said to Sneak. He got his gun out of his back pocket, cocked it, and shot Stephen's dick, making Stephen cry out in intense pain.

"Where the fuck is Meek with my girl? If you don't tell meh, I am gon' stick the next bullet so far up ya ass that when ya take a shit, you'll be tastin' gunpowder fah the rest of ya life which judging ya rate won't be long." August explained.

When he didn't get a reply, August lifted the chair Stephen was sitting in, making Stephen hit the ground hard. He cocked his gun again and aimed it at Stephen's ass.

"Alright! Alright! Meek took ya girl to that abandoned fire department building downtown." Stephen admitted, making August smirk.

"See, nah was that so hard?" August mocked, sarcasm in his voice.

"Fuck you, you Lil Richard lookin' motherfucker!" Stephen said. August shot Stephen in the ass, as promised.

"Stupid nigga! Let's get the fuck outta here." August said to Sneak before they left. August was thankful that Meek had his house away from the public. It was somewhere in a part of the woods. Before they left, August put gas all around Meek's house before burning it with a mattress. After that was done, August and Sneak loaded up and went to find Toni.

~10 minutes later...~

"You ready?" Sneak asked. They were parked a few feet away from the building, in the back.

"I'm just ready to get my girl back. I miss her short ass so much." August said with a chuckle. He can hear Toni tell him 'There's nothing wrong with being fun sized.'

"Let's go get these bastards!" Sneak said before he cocked his gun, and they got out August's SUV.

"Going in through the front is too risky to do because it might be a trap, so we gotta figure out another way to get in." Miles explained.

"So, what we 'pose tah do, na?" August asked. Sneak started to look at the building. He looked up and saw a fire escape they could climb and a window right above it.

"I got an idea, come on." Miles said. He ran to the fire escape ladder.

"I'm gon' climb this fire escape and go in through the window, then I'm gon' let you in through that back door." Miles explained, pointing to the locked back door.

"Aight, I'ma meet ya ova there." August said before they dapped and Miles started to climb the fire escape. August ran to the other side of the building, making sure he wasn't spotted and waited for Miles.

Less than five minutes later, the back door was opened by  Miles with a cut on his arm.

"You aight? Was you hit?" August asked. The wound was so bad that he thought Sneak got shot.

"Nah, it was that damn window, it was locked, so I used a brick and broke it. When I climbed inside of it, I cut my damn arm. I'll be aight. The only thing important right now is getting ya girl back." Sneak explained. They hurriedly yet sneakily made their way inside the abandoned building. What they saw made August see red.

Timothy's POV
I can't wait to end these bastards. The only reason I'm helping Meek's stupid ass is because I wanna get rid of August bitch ass. As soon as I get rid of his ass, I'm killing Meek's ass. Then, I'm taking over both of their empires and be the king of dealers. The first step to my plam is getting rid of August and by doing that, I'm gonna get rid of his hoe ass girl. But, if her pussy good, I might just keep her around for my pleasures.

Timothy went into the part of the abandoned building where Toni was. She was tied up to the bed it had in there with her mouth taped. She was knocked out from when she was punched in the face by Meek. Timothy licked his lips and went over to Toni and splashed her with a bucket of water for the second time, making Toni once again wake up in surprise.

Her screams were muffled from the tape around her mouth, and she was squirming trying to get free of Timothy's hold. By this time he was on top of her. He slapped her again, making a single tear fall from her eye. Scared was an understatement of how she was feeling at this point.

'God please let my baby be okay, and please guide August to find me.' Toni mentally prayed. Timothy ripped Toni's clothes and stripped himself. Toni closed her eyes because she was too terrified to look. He was about to rape Toni until he suddenly collapsed on top of her. Toni opened her eyes and found August standing there with the gun that he hit Timothy in the back of the head with.

August lifted Timothy off of Toni and took the tape off of Toni's mouth. He searched Timothy's pockets for the key to the handcuffs. Once he found them, he unlocked the handcuffs. He helped Toni up bridal style and kissed her deeply.

"I miss ya so much baybeh, and I'm so sorry this happened to ya. I promise no one will ever hurt ya again." August said after they broke away from the kiss. Toni nodded her head as a single tear fell from her eye.

She fell in love with one of her students and has his baby growing inside of her. She couldn't be more happy.

"Let's get outta hea'." August said.

"Y'all ain't no fucking where!" Timothy yelled from behind August. August turned around and found Timothy with a gun pointed at him and Toni.

"That was so cute. Bitch ass August done fell in love who would've thought. Too bad ya love won't last long." Timothy said with an evil smirk. August was damned if he let this bastard kill Toni. He rather him than Toni.

"If ya feelin' so bold then pull the fuckin' trigga 'cause I ain't to die fa mine. Ya can kill meh all ya want but ya got another fuckin' thing coming if ya think ya killin' my girl." August explained.

"That's cute, but too bad I really don't give a fuck!" Timothy said. August doesn't remember when it happened, but he and Timothy were fighting over the gun. The only thing he remembers is hearing the gun going off and Toni's screams.

A/N:The epilogue is next. Thanks for all the support on this book with all the votes and hilarious comments. Y'all are the best! I can't wait for y'all to see what I have in store next, trust me you won't be disappointed

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