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Toni and August didn't wake up til late that afternoon. Both of them were in pure bliss. No words can explain how happy Toni has felt these past few weeks. They didn't have a clue that pictures were taken while they were making love, but they will soon find out.


"Did you get the pictures like I asked?" The person on the other end of the call asked.

"Yeah boss, these pictures is worth a lot of evidence of these little teacherx student affairs," The person that made the call said.

"Good, now send them to Mr. Edmonds, the principal and make sure you make it anonymous," The "boss" said before rudely hanging up the phone.

"This will officially be the end of Ms. Braxton," The unknown person said before putting the photos in a brown envelope and mailing it to Kenneth.

~Back to Toni & August....~

Toni and August were getting ready to go to the school. Toni started back teaching there since she canceled her resignation. They're still keeping their relationship lowkey. Only Chris knows about them...at
least that's what they think. After they ate, Toni kissed August and left to make her way to the school. Once there, she has been getting disproving looks from some of the students which confused her until she made it inside the school.

Inside the school, there were pictures everywhere of her and August. She looked to her left and a picture on someone's locker really stood out from the rest.

It was a picture of her and August on the stairs of his home, naked while August feasted on her treasure. 'Shit!' Toni thought.

Those looks, those disappointing looks she can feel on her from the students and teachers around her. She stood frozen. She didn't know whether to make a run for it or go to her class like it's not happening. Option two was terrible because there's no way to deny that this is actually happening because it is.

August and Chris made it to the school. August looked around confused as fuck about all the looks that's directed towards him.

"Yo Aug, what the fuck is going on right now?" Chris whispered to August as they made their way into the school.

"I don't know but I'm fo' sure we bout tah find out," August said, once they made it inside the school. Once they did, they looked at each other, thinking at the same time, 'Oh shit.'

August had to find Toni. He could only imagine how she's feeling about this. 'I'm so sorry, baybeh' August thought before letting Chris know that he was going to look for Toni.

"Toni!" August yelled once he made it to her classroom. His heart sunk at the sight in front of him. Toni was sitting at her desk with tears streaming down her face.

"Toni, baybeh, I'm sorry" August apologized. Once he made it to her, he got on his knees to where he was leveled with Toni. He put his index finger under her chin to lift her head, making them have eye contact. She was so beautiful to August. He can't help but to think to himself how he's gotten so lucky.

Toni moved her head out of August's reach. She had to end this. It's already at it's worst. She loves August dearly but they can't go on like this anymore.

"August, I don't think we should do this anymore," Toni said.

"Baybeh, don't say that. We've come too far in this relationship to let this shit fuck it up," August said, while trying to keep his rising anger under control.

"What else are we suppose to do August. We are the talk of the whole school, and I just got fired!" Toni yelled, jumping up from her seat.

"What?" August asked.

"You heard me August, I just got fired. Before you came in here, Mr. Edmonds was in here and he fired me. I only have ten minutes left to pack my things and leave the school's property or he's calling the police on me," Toni explained while packing her things.

"Baybeh, we can figure somethin' out," August said.

"Look August it's over, it's all over, so let's just end us before it gets worse. Just know that, even though we're breaking up, I will always love you. You've made this the best month of my life," Toni said while wiping her tears.

This is very hard for Toni. It's always hard to let someone you love with all your heart go. But, Toni has to do what she has to do to save both of them even if it means never seeing each other again.

"Toni, don't do this. Don't let our love go like dat, baybeh. I luh ya wit all ma heart. I don't wanna lose you," August said passionately. Toni, whether she knows it or not, has August's heart wide open. He don't know what he'd do without Toni.

"I've already made up my mind, August. It's best that we end this. We can't let this go on," Toni said. She kissed his cheek, grabbed her things, and left, leaving August shattered, like a mirror, in the classroom still watching the door she left out of.

Toni's heart shattered as she left out of the school and got into her car. She sat there for a little while and let the tears flow. Why did doing the right thing have to hurt so much? Toni knew this is what she had to do, but God, it hurt so much.

"I love you, August" Toni whispered to herself before leaving to pack for her originally planned trip to the Bahamas.

August finally came back to earth when the classroom door clicked closed. He couldn't believe he just lost the love of his life. Just let her walk out. August was knocked out of his thoughts by Chris coming into the room.

"Aug-, where's Toni?" Chris asked confused.

"She left, man" August said while taking a seat at an empty desk.

"What you mean she left?" Chris asked.

"She broke up with me and left. She said she didn't want this to get any worse than what it already is. Mr. Edmonds fired her for all of this that's happening and she left," August explained.

"I wouldn't give up just yet, man" Chris said with determination.

"What da fuck are you talkin' bout Chris?" August asked confused.

"Look man, let's find the bitches that pulled this shit, it don't take fucking rocket science to figure out that this shit is a two- person job" Chris explained. See, Chris is all for Toni and August being together.

August is like his brother, and when someone fucks with his brother and soon to be sister- in- law they mess with him and if they mess with him and his family, all hell is gonna break loose.

Chris looked at August with a smirk and said two words that meant it's time for hell to break loose. He said,

'Game on...' 

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