Can't sleep

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After I checked out my room I go down stairs and see Michele in her high chair and camila putting the Mac and cheese in three bowls. I walk over to Michele and pinch her little cheeks.

"Camz she's so cute she kinda looks like me when I was a baby." I say looking at mich. Camz just gives me a smile and nods.

" really I don't see it maybe just the eyes that's it." She says and I just smile and continue playing with mich while camila walks over to me and put the bowls In front of us and I start to eat while Camz try's to feed mich but she has a mind of her own doing it herself I think it's so cute she's so smart trying to use her spoon.
After we eat I do the dishes while Camz gets mich ready for a bath when I finish in about five minutes. I walk by the bathroom and see Camz poring water over Michele's hair getting the soap out. I just lean against the door frame and watch till camila spots me.

" hey laur can you give me that towel." I nod and grab it and give it to her. "Thanks, come on mich lets get you dressed and put to bed."

She picks mich up and wraps her in the towel and goes to Michele's room and puts her on her bed and drys her. " hey can I help since I live here I'm going to have to bond with this cutie." I say while looking at mich  with a smile on my face.

"Yah you can put her lotion on and and get her dressed her lotions on the dresser right there" she says and I go and get the purple lotion and look at it it must be to help her sleep it has little she with z's on it. That's cute I thought. I put some in my hand and rub it on her. " I'm going to go get changed real quick I'll be back to put her to sleep."she says and leaves out the door I continue to rub lotion on her while I tickle her and she laughs."pick a boo" I say while I cover my eyes then I in cover my eyes she giggles. I grab her pjs that are on her bed with the little mermaid on them I gently put them on while I get her little brush on the dresser and sit her in my lap while she plays with a toy I gave her. I softly brush her head full of hair some what similar to mine as I was her age. I smile thinking of old flashbacks of little me and all the good times with my family. Speaking of family I need to ask Camz why my parents gave the doctor her number and didn't care I was awake. Camila walks in with one of my softball shirts it's kinda big on her it goes to mid thigh she has some boy shorts under that hug her ass so well. I look at her and she's smiling at mich.

"She's Lhasa lotion on hair brushed and pjs on ready for bed." I say while mich try's to get out of my arm to go to Camz so I let her walk to her. "Mama up" she says while she lifts her arms for Camz to pick her up and she does while mich yawns. Camila rocks her in her arm while Michele closes her eyes and try's to  falls to sleep. A few minutes later we here soft snores and camila puts mich in her bed while I tuck her in and kiss her head and me and Camz walk out.

"Your a good mom Camz I hope I'm as good of one as you are one day." I say honestly she looks at me and smiles

"You will trust me, the way you were treating her I can already tell. Well night laur welcome home." She says as we walk to our doors and she disappeared behind her door I go in my room and change and do my night routine I go and lay on my bed and look up in the dark. I sit there for a good half an hour till I grab my phone to tex someone.

Laur🙊: hey you up??

I sit there hoping she's not asleep yet she usually ready before she goes to bed but that could change since she has a kid now. Then my phone goes off I smile knowing who it is.

Camz💚:yah what's up

Laur🙊: I can't sleep can you lay with me?

Camz💚: yah I'll be right there.

Soon I see my door open and camila comes in and shuts my door and walk to my bed and I lif the covers to her side while she slips in and gets cozy.
I scoot close to her and and lay on my sis while she does the same. Now we're only a few inches apart.

"Hey" I say looking in her beautiful brown eyes while she looks in my green ones with a small smile.

"Hey" she says while I wrap my arm around her waist so she cuddles in to me more now she has her head on my chest and arms over my stomach playing with my hair. I smile at the gesture."what's on your mind that makes you not sleep?" She asked still playing with my hair.

"Well when I woke up the doctor said that they called my parents and let them know I was awake but they just gave the doctor your number why did they do that?" I ask confused why they would do that. It was quiet for a minute and she stopped playing with my hair. " Camz it's okay I just want to know why they would do that don't they care about me still?" I ask while she looks up at me know while I stroke her back softly.

"After a the 10th month of you in a coma they just gave up they lost hope and they thought it was useless and they got stuck with a high medical bill and they needed money so they use the money you've saved since after high school to pay the bills which only covered half of it they said it was your fault why you got in the accident and now they're stuck paying the bill." She said and while I take in everything. why would they give up on me? And wow now I have no money I guess I need a new job now. But now I have one question.

"Why didn't give up on me why didn't you leave me like they did?" I ask looking in her eyes she looks in my then looks down continued to play with my hair. " I would never give up on you laur. Your my best friend I love you to much to just stop caring your a big part of my life I spent
Most of my time in that hospital for a whole year but i had to take care of mich so I would only visit 3 times a week. I would hope you would wake up for me but you didn't but I would never give up on you. you where there for me so I was there for you to be strong and hope you wake up and now look your her with me perfectly fine in my arms. But I glad your awake laur I missed you." She says and hugs me tighter. I kiss her temple. " I missed you to Camz and thank you for not giving up on me and I love you too Camz so much I'll always be there for you." I say kissing her temple one more time.

"Night Camz"I say trailing my finger tips up and down her back. While she sighs and holds me tight like I'm going to leave her.

"Goodnight laur sweet dreams." She whispers and drifts off to sleep and I do the same.

Shes not mine she's yours (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now