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I woke up with my beautiful girlfriend laying on me hair in a messy bun wearing nothing but one of my shirts from softball and panties I can see her perfect ass just looking so perfect I just want to grab it and not let go for the rest of my life but wouldn't. I look at my clock 5:46am I guess it's time for a jog before work so I get up slowly not to wake up my baby and get my jogging gear on and headphones and phone and go down stairs of course I left a morning note.Its now been a habit it do when Camila sleeps in my bed witch is every night. It's been a long week of work I'm not complaining cause I actually love it and then there's being at home with Camila and Michele my little family me and Michele have been getting pretty close  she my little buddy I love her. But so far life's been good.I open the front door and head on my jog through the neighborhood and to the park I take a few laps there and there's this sicker field with bleachers that I like to run up and down its been helping a lot I'm still not back to my nice rock hard abs but I'm almost there I eat healthy and work out right. Right now I'm doing my squats by the benches cause you know I gotta keep that butt nice and tight but still just right. I finish that up I jog back home when I get there it's about 7:10am so I hurry up stairs wake Camz and take a shower. I walk in my room to see a see a empty bed. I frown a little but it's okay she's probably in the shower or getting mich up so I grab some work clothes and go take a 20 minute shower I get out get dressed and ready for work. Once finished I walk down stairs to get my morning coffee.

"Morning babe where's Michele??" I ask as I kiss her lips softly and look for my little buddy. See the thing is Michele doesn't know about me and Camila and we try to not to let her see us getting all intimate she sees my as one of her aunts like ally, Dinah, and normoni. But it's okay well tell her when we feel like we're ready.
I sit down in a stool drinking my coffee Camila made me.

"She's in her room laying down she doesn't look to good so I let her sleep a little more my poor baby but any ways thanks for the morning note I love them even more everyday how was  your jog?" she comes behind me wrapping her arms round my neck kissing my head.

"It's was good weather outside is great not to hot not to cold just right." I say finishing up my coffee getting up. "And I love writing morning notes and I love you thanks for the coffee I need to head to work." I say putting my coffee cup away and wrap my arms around camilas waist bringing her body close to mine and pull her into a soft kiss while she wraps her arms around my neck she deepens the kiss but I need to leave or I'll be late so I pull away before I can't resist any more.

"I got to go bye babe I love you." I say jiving one last peck And walking to the door I hear her say "bye laur have a good day love you." She yells at me I chuckle and shake my head and get in my car oh I for get to tell you I just got a new car it's kinda a classic it's a just a plain all black 75' nova my favorite car the old man who owned it before sold it to me for a great price so I took the first chance I had it need minor details on the inside other that that it's perfect I drive to work head to my office and get to work on the things I need to do. Work goes by fast now  I'm on my way home can't wait to see my girls. I pull in the drive way and get out and walk to the unlocked door I walk in and hear crying and coughing aww some one must be sick I go to were the noise it coming from I guess Michelle must be pretty sick I walk in her room to see her on her bed crying with Camz next to her taking her temp.

"Hey what's going on?" I ask and Camila looks at me with worry in her eyes. " Michele has a high fever and bad cough and her stomach hurts I want to take her to the hospital." She says getting up cause much stopes her crying and turned them into whimpers.

"Let's go then I'll drive you." I say she picks Michele up and greaves some stuff for our trip.
We load up the car and head to the hospital and we have to wait for a little I have Michele in my hand her head on my chest and arms wrapped around my back I hug her and run my hand up and down her back as Camila fills out papers soon Michele is call and Camila goest with her and I sit in the waiting room 2 hour later Camila comes out with tears in her I eye I run up to her and hug her tight as she cries in my chest.

" hey Camz it's going to be okay what did they say?" I ask ands she looks up. " they said she had a really high fever and it's possible to put her in a coma so there trying to from sleeping and keep her fever down but she has to satay over night to keep a eye on her." She says whipping her tears and I go see mich trek her her I love her and she has to stay strong hot her mommie for me for her aunts she nods and I kiss her head and leave me and Camz drive home after Camila said her good byes and i convinced her to come hoe get rest and we'll be here first thing in the morning. And we went home went strait to my bed and went to sleep we didn't even bother to change just fell asleep. 

Shes not mine she's yours (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now