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I woke up to crying I look at my clock and realize it 4:28am then I get up and slowly get out of make sure not no wake up Camila. Once I'm up I go to Michele's room and open the door to see my baby on her bed curled in a ball hugging her teddy bear eyes still closed I walk over to her and sit on her small bed.

"Hey baby wake up." I say rubbing her back trying to waked her as she's crying

"Michele wake up" I say a little louder she jumps up and wraps her arm around me and holds me tight I bring her into my lap as she lays her head on my chest.

"Mama" she whimpers while I rub her back to sooth her. But I just froze when she called me mama how does this work now does she call me mama now or still call me Lo I'll just talk to Camila in the morning.

"Yes baby what's wrong?" I ask and she just continues to whimper as I rub her back. "Did you have a nightmare?" I asked and she nods "it's okay Michele I'll be right her do you want me to lay with you?" I asked and she nods her head.

I lay down on her bed with her on me head on my chest and arms wrapped around me. I grab her blanket and throw it over our bodies and hold her tight as she falls back to sleep. I can't believe Camila did all this witnessed her fist steps first word first every thing took care of her as her own for me she didn't have to buy she did and that's what I love most about Camila she had a big hear and cared about so many people and would do any thing to please people she's so kind and sweet I don't know what I would do with out her. I start to get sleepy and close my eyes and fall asleep with my daughter in my arms.
I wake to a amazing smell but what is it. Then I get a better smell chocolate chip pancakes my favorite. I go to get up but something restricts me of getting up I look down and see my little princess sleeping she's so cute and precious I kiss her head and lay her down on her bed trying to get up without waking her knowing it's pretty early and cover her up. I exit her room and close her door quietly and make my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine and take a shower I get out and throw on a red and blue flannel and black ripped jeans and put on light make up and head down stairs and go to the kitchen. I see Camila in one of my white button up shirts for work with small boy shorts I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her shoulder as she flips her pancake but almost drops it. She relaxes into my embrace and leans her head on my shoulder.

"Morning baby whatcha cooking?" I ask as I kiss her neck and make my way up to her cheek.

"Just some chocolate chip pancakes for my babies." She says turning of the stove and turning towards me and wraps her arms around my neck I give her a sweet kiss.

"What time is it?" I ask not really knowing what the time is after I woke up.

"Um 9am last time I checked" she said and then I realized I over slept a little.

"Why didn't you wake me up I could have helped you cook?" I asked as I puller by the waist and lifted her on the counter and stood between her legs she wrapped her legs around my waist pulling me close to her.

"Well when I woke up you weren't there I thought you went on a job but I didn't see a note so I went to Michele's room to check on her that's when I seen you guys cuddled up and it was so cute so I took a picture and sent it to the girls in a group message and you guys looked tired so I didn't want to wake you up so I just let you guys sleep. She really is a miniature you laur everything she did reminded me of you. I love just as much as I love you." She said giving me a quick peck

"Thanks you Camz for everything you did for her and for me she's amazing I love her and I love you you two are my world I mean that." I kiss her head and continue. "But last night I heard crying and I went to check on her I guess she had a nightmare and I stayed with her and we just fell asleep." I say nuzzling my face in her neck leaving wet kisses there and Camila giggles wow I could listen to that all day. Then a thought came to mind. "Hey Camz can I ask you something?"

Shes not mine she's yours (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now