The date

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I woke up with the biggest smile on my face knowing that I was going to have some alone time with camila. I look at the clock it's already 7:37am i get up go to the bathroom take a shower do my morning routine and get dressed with some black jeans white v-neck and red and black over my shirt I put on my doc's and dry my hair leaving it in natural waves and I grab my phone and go down stairs I see camila in black jeans that fit her ass so well I get weak in the knees and a long sleeve blue and black type blouse. I swear she looks better and better every day. I walk and sit on a stool as camila gets me a cup of coffee. "Good morning sleepy head." She says and ruffled my hair." Morning Camz and don't do that." I glare at her she just winks and walks away." So Dinah came and picked up Michele about 30 minutes ago so what your plans Casanova." She says leaning against the counter with legs crossed and coffee mug in her hand." Wow I couldn't say bye to my favorite girl." I say with a frown. " what do you mean Im right her only Michele left." She said with a smirk ." I ment Michele we had such a good time yesterday she got me a girls number from cold stone she thought mich was mine." I say with a smile remembering the girl with blue eyes I look at Camz and she has this face that I can describe its like a mixture of jealousy and hut and a little bit of guilt but why I just ignore it. " but anyways I say we do the whole dinner and a movie I know how you don't like to go all out but I'll take you out to that one restaurant you like and you can pick the movie Kay?" I ask and she looks up with the smile I fell in love with and grabs her purse and keys I grab my pure and we head out.

We are now at Camz favorite restaurant and almost done we've been talking no stop laughing about the most random things and about Michele and her growing up process of her first step and first word all that cute stuff. Soon the waitress comes back with our bill camila takes the bill and looks at it with wide eye I grab it thinking its a lot but then I see what's really on it

Call me pretty green eyes (555)372-9801
I laugh and just but some money In the check book and look back at camila who's has a blank expression like she was lost in thought. "Hey Camz what's up?" I ask and she slowly looks up at me with a soft smile.

"Wow jauregui you don't have to do any thing just sit there and all the girls  come after you." She says I just laugh. " is someone jealous?" I say playful she laughs. " me jealous no I can get number too no biggie." She say and I look at her with a smirk." Oh really now?" I ask she looks at me with a smirk "oh yah" she said nodding her head.

"Okay how about we do this we make a bet see there's a stage and a dance floor over there let's see who can get more numbers In 30 minutes if you lose you have to sing a song of my choice." I say with a smirk. " okay but if I win you have to slow dance.." She says then continues "with me" she said I look at her crazy. "Camz that's not fair you know I can't slow dance and you've taken a dance class not fair." I say shaking my head. "So is the great lauren jauregui charm not as good as it seems wow I am shocked." She say and I get up I put my hand out for her to shake it. " ohh your on toots." I say she shakes my hand.
" you bet you sweet ass we are." She say and we both walk to the dance floor I see this girl and work my charm as I look over the girls shoulder I see camila talking to a guy with her phone in his had giving her his number she sees me looking and she holds up a number 3 with her fingers. I shake my head I only have two so far I need to step up my game.

After the 30 minutes are done we go back to the table we were at and we each tally up our numbers. " okay on the count of three we say how many number we got out loud got it?" I ask
"Got it." She say "okay 1...2...3... 7" I say "11" she says with a big smile "no fucking way you got more than me." I say in disbelief. " she there's you problem lauren I use to be the great wing women for girls and guys in college you should have seen this coming so come on it's time to dance so get you sweet ass up" she says with a smirk. Shit I could I forget she use to help me and our friend get girls and guys wow I feel so stupid. Camila grabs my hand and we walk to the middle of the dance floor right on time when a new slow song comes on Ed Sheeran thinking out loud came on. " Camz you know I can't dance I'm going to look stupid." I say looking at her she smiles and grabs my hands place them on her hip and she moves closer and wraps her arms around my neck. " just follow my lead okay?" She says and starts swaying her hips a tittle and moving her feet I struggle a little but I get ahold of it half way through the song I notice mine and camilas bodies are now closer than before she rest her head on my shoulder and I move my hand to make her body to come closer to mine so now we are completely touching and my arms are wrapped around her waist while she sways to the music during the second song I'm pretty sure I'm a pro now. Some how i am now looking into camilas eyes and she's looking into mine then her eyes look down at my lips and I wet them and I look at hers and she does the same now we are both leaning in then our lips meet I feel fire works go off in the background and it's like everything in the world disappears and it's just the two of us her lips are just so soft and fit just right now our lips are moving in sync one of my hands makes its way up to her cheek slowly caressing it while my other hand grips her waist and pulls her even closer her to my body she gasps out and this is the time I slip my tounge in her mouth and I explore her mouth she lets out a soft moan and oxygen is being needed we slowly separate our forehead still touching our eyes still close we are both panting trying to catch our breath.

"I think we should go home now." I say she just nods. "Yah we should go." She says and we leave the dance floor hand in hand and get our car we didn't even get to go to the movies.

We arrive at the house and we take off our shoes and sit on the couch while I look for a movie I find a scary movie and camila crawls in my lap like usual and grabs one of my hands and intertwined our hands and sets them in her lap and I rub my thumb over he hand softly while her head rest on my chest.
"Oh I forgot to tell you Michele is staying the night with Dinah she insisted since she is her God mom that they have to bond more." She says I just laugh. "Okay" I just say and we just watch the move after the movie we decided it's time to end the night we head to our rooms. I'm laying on my bed and I hear a knock knowing who it is. " come in Camz." I say while she walks in and gets under my covers. "Can I sleep In Here since you made me watch that scary movie" she says cuddling in to me with she puts her face in the cook of my neck while her arm lays across my stomach "sure you can" I say her hot breath hitting my neck sending chills down my back I slowly stroke her back she moves her face out of my neck and looks at me I look at her our eyes meet then we slowly lean in and our lips move in sync for a while till I pull back and tuck some hair behind her ear and kiss her temple. "Goodnight Camz" I say closing my eyes pulling camila closer to my body wrapping my arms around her waist and intertwine our legs.
"Goodnight laur." She says against my neck leaving a small kiss and we both fall asleep.

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