Movie Night

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Ever since I got back from the hospital waking up in the with camila laying with me had been the best thing so far. I look at camilas sleeping state she's so beautiful when she is sleeping. I use my hand and bring it up to camilas hair and slowly stroke it. I kiss her forehead and just sit there for a few minute just playing with her hair. I look at me click and realize it 7:04am I decided it's time to get up because I know Michele will be getting up soon and she'll be hungry cause I am and I know for sure camila will be. So I stop playing with Camz hair and try to get up but when I stop she groans. " don't stop"she says i kiss her nose and she scrunched it up I kiss it again and she giggles then I start to kiss all over her face.

"Lo stop." She whines I get up and straddle her waist and kiss her forehead then both cheeks then her nose leaving her lips for last. I lean in and take her bottom lip in between mine our lips move in sync she wraps he arm around my neck and pulls me closer to deepen the kiss I lick her bottom lip and asking for for access and she grants it I slip my tongue in her mouth our tongue fights for dominance I win she moans in my mouth I pull back needing to breath. Our foreheads still touching and we are still panting.

"Camz I really really like you I've always liked you." I whisper she opens her eyes. "I really really like you to laur." She says and I feel like my heart beat so fast she actually likes me back but probably not the way I actually love her. "No camila I don't really really like you." A say and she frowns but then I say "I love you camila not as just my best friend but more." I whisper she sighs. "I love you too Lauren more than just my best friend too." She says I peck her sweet lips and she kissed mine back I get up." Hey where are you going?" She ask I smile

"I'm going to make breakfast and I'm pretty sure much is up so get up babe." I say with a wink and go to my bathroom. "Can we just stay in and watch a bunch of Disney movies?" She ask whiles I finish brushing my teeth and wiping my mouth.

"Like a movie night? With me,you, and Michele while eating a bunch of junk food sounds good to me babe."I say walking back into the room and she's sitting up in my bed looking at me with a smile. I go up to her and give her a quick kiss but she pulls me on top of her to deepen the kiss but soon pulls away.

"I like when you call be babe."she says with a huge smile I smirk while looking down at her. "Well babe I have to go cook some breakfast for us and Michele and get ready for this movie night so get you sweet ass up." I say pulling the blankets off her and leaving the room and going into the kitchen to cook us something to eat. I look around and decided to make banana and chocolate chip pancakes. As I'm flipping the last pancake I feel two small arms wrap around me and I feel a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"Hey" Camila say as she watches me put the pancake on a plate. "Hey babe." I say turning around and giving her a quick kiss. "Where's the little cutie at?" I ask and I look around. " I'm right here Lo." Camila says pointing to herself. I laugh. "No your the milf, I mean where's my little buddy Michele?" I say she smirks and she pulls me closer and whispers in my ear " so I'm a mom you'd like to fuck?" She ask while licking my ear lobe I get chills down my back I look at her as she smirks. "One day maybe, but really where is she?" I ask trying to regain myself she just laughs and I get out of her arms to get some juice as I put the cups down Michele comes into the kitchen. "There you are cutie I made pancakes chocolate chip and banana which one do you like?" I ask crouching down to her size picking her up.

"Yay chocolate chip!" She says clapping I smile at her cuteness "I guess we're both eating the same thing then." I high five her while I put her in her high chair and giver her her pancakes she digs in. After we eat and clean up the mess. We all go into the living room and put on the little mermaid first while Camz gets us some blankets and we all cuddle up together Michele in the middle of us. every so often I would steal glances at camila and she's so the same and every time we would make eye contact and just smile then continue watching the movie that was on, but during the middle of the fourth movie all the junk food and coziness must have put Michele to sleep she was cuddled up to me in my lap while Camz had her head on my shoulder as we held hands under the blanket and I played with her fingers. After the movie I picked Michele up and took her to her room and laid her down in her bed ticked her in and grabbed her teddy bear so it was with her and Kissed her head and left. I go back down stairs and sit on the couch and Camlia lays her head on my lap and I play with her hair I bend down and kiss her lips she kisses back I pull away and sigh she looks up at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked concerned I shake my head and smile. "It's nothing" I say and look at the movie that's playing. "Come on Lo you can tell me anything." She says sitting up looking at me

"It's just that I've wanted to tell you how I felt for such a long time and I'm glad that I did cause I feel like a lot of weight has been lifted off my shoulder it just feels great." I say with a genuine smile on my face.

"How long have you been wanting to tell me." She asked I look down then back up at her. "Since freshman year." I say looking down. "Of college?" She say asked I shake my head no and just say "high school" still looking down not wanting to see her expression.

"Lauren why haven't you said anything" she said looking me in the eyes now that I looked up big mistake. "Umm i don't know I thought it might ruin our friendship." I say and she grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers and smiles. "Lauren we've been best friend since 2nd grade and you think telling me you like me would ruin our friendship?" She asked and I nodded "No I wouldn't cause deep down I knew there was something special between us the way we could never be apart for so long and we were so close to each other we're not even like that with the other girls I always knew there was something the way we just get each other and care so much for each other but I guess that was me falling for you when you were In that coma I released I can't live with out you and I love you more than a friend cause honestly your not just my best friend you my soul mate Lauren and I mean it I really do love you I world sit by your bed very day telling you how much you mean to me and that I love you and you need to be strong and wake up and now look here you are with me feeling better good as new and I'm glad your okay." She said looking deep In my eyes I grab her face and kiss her not rough but soft and passionate I pull back to were our foreheads are touching and whisper "I love you so much Camlia." And peck her lips "I love you too Lauren so much." She whispered back I kiss her one more time and pull back and we go back to the rest of the movie.

"Camila?" I ask looking at her after the movie is over. She 'hmm's back

"Camila would you umm like to be my girlfriend?" I ask nervously she looks at me and smiles "No." She says and I frown wow she just said no I'm so confused right now. Then she speaks " I would love to be your girlfriend Lauren!" She says jumps and straddles me and kissed me I grab her hips and pull her closer. her hands are in my hair playing with my baby hairs I deepen the kiss I swipe my tongue along her bottom lip and she lots me in her mouth as soon as our tongues touch she moans then we fight for dominance I win of course my hands start to roam her body going up and down her sides I slowly make my way to her ass and hold it but then I give it a squeeze and she moans in to my mouth nothing sounds better than camila's moan other than her laugh it's just music to my ears so we need to breath and I pull back and give her one last quick kiss and whispered "I love you" with her eyes closed
I whispered back "I love you to Camz"

After that make out session we go back to my room and lay in my bed Camila falls asleep fast and I'm just laying there thinking wow my best friend camila cabello is now my girlfriend what can go wrong life is good right now I thought as sleep takes over my body.

Shes not mine she's yours (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now