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I woke up to some weight on me and some sunlight in my eyes looks like the sun is barely coming up I look at the clock on my stand next to me 6:15am why am I up this early. I try to go back to sleep but it's not happen I look back at the clock 6:45am yup I guess it's time to get up. I look at the beautiful sleeping body on me and slowly try to get up with out waking her. After a minute I successfully get out of her reach and head down stairs. I start a pot of coffee and grab some eggs and bacon and get to work after I finish cooking it's already 7:30am I hear little feet coming down stairs. I look back and see a sleepy mich holding a teddy bear rubbing her eyes aww she's so cute.

"Hey Michele you hungry?"I ask and her eyes open wide she runs to her high chair and I help her in." Do you like eggs cutie?" I ask putting some scrambled eggs in a bowl." Yeah!" She says. I give her the bowl and a spoon and kiss her head. and grab my plate and eat with her. As we finish I see camila come down stairs dressed all nice with a white blouse and black pencil skirt hair in natural waves light make up wow she is stunning.

"Morning laur morning Michele." Camila says kissing Michele's head and grabs a cup of coffee. " where are you going Camz looking like that?" I question she comes and sits next to me. " well I'm a 7th grade English teacher so I guess I'm going to go teach silly and I have to take mich to day care on my way so I have to get her dressed." She says playing with mich's hair then I thought I have nothing to do I figured she has to pay every time Michele goes there I can watch her. " hey Camz?" I ask she 'hmm's in response "umm how about I watch mich I don't have any plans for today maybe we can have a play date just me and her we can go out for ice cream and the park or something?" I ask she looks at me with a smile.

"Are you sure she can be a hand full sometimes." She says talking a sip of her coffee. " yah why not she can't be that bad I've taken care of my little cousins before I love kids I would be fun for the both of us huh Michele?" I say making a funny face at her and she laughs eating the rest of her food." Okay I guess you can watch her just be care full laur this is my baby right her." She says taking Michele out and cleaning her face.

"Wow Camz I'm offended I thought I was your baby." I say with my hand on my chest faking being hurt." To think all we've been through." I say taking my dishes to the kitchen sink cleaning them.

"Yah you guys are both my babies." She says kissing my cheek. " but really watch her like a hawk she likes to run around crazy now that she knows how to use her legs right." She says cleaning her hands."hey is she's fast maybe I can race her against other kids her age make some money off her running skills." I say she smacks my are I let out a 'ouch' she just laughs. " that's now funny lauren making money off my kid but if you do I want half." She say while walking out of the kitchen to go put the t.v on for Michele.

"Okay lauren I'm leaving now see you around 3 please-" I cut her off knowing what she's going to say already "- watch my baby I know I know I got this Camz have a nice day." I say picking Michele up she kisses Michele's cheek." Hey what about me I pucker my lip waiting for a kiss." Haha nice try bye lauren be nice for Lo lay Michele." She says and gives my a kiss on the cheek and leaves hey at least I got a kiss not where I wanted but at least it's one. I got up to mich's room and pick out some clothes. something simple jeans and cute purple shirt and some white shoes I brush her hair still leaving her natural hair looking just right and I grab a sweater for her just in case it gets cold and a bag with stuff she might need. I grab Michele and lock the door and we walk to the nearest park.

"Okay Michele what do you want to do?" I ask she looks around and looks at me then smiles and points to the swings."Swings" she says already walking towards them I grab her hand and I help her into one of the kid swings push her she starts to do it her self the I go on a swing and swing my self she's laughing and we're trying to se who can go hight I let her win. After we go to the park I take to a cold stones my favorite. We walk in and pick her up holding her on my hip while we look at the flavors. " what kind do you want Michele?" I ask and she point to a colorful one pretty sure it's cotton candy. "Okay cotton candy it is then." I say walking up to the lady.

"Welcome to cold stone what can I get you today beautiful." She say to me. I blush a little." Thanks can I get a French vanilla for me in a cup and a cotton candy for this cutie." I say tickling mich she laughs and tucks her head in my neck. " you've got a cute daughter there she had to get all off her good looks from you." She says smiling at me.

"I'm just babysitting she's actually my best friends daughter but thanks." I say." Well you had me fooled she looks just like you I bet you would make  beautiful babies but anyway that would be $7.35." She say I get my money out of my wallet and give it to her she gives my back my change. "Thank you" I say taking mine and mich's ice cream she says a 'your welcome' back as take a seat we eat and she makes a mess kids gotta love them.

It's been an hour and now where back at home watching tangled in the living room. I have Michele sitting on my lap snuggled  in my chest slowly falling asleep. By the time the movie is over   Me and Michele are both asleep I move to now I laying on the couch with her asleep in my chest head tucked in my neck. I just let sleep take over.

"Laur" I hear someone say my name I just ignore it and continue to sleep. " lauren get up I need to put Michele in her bed." Camila says I open my eyes and see mich still in the spot I left her but my grub on her is tight not enough to crush her but to at least keep her safe and not fall. " what time is it?" I ask. " umm 6:54 i came home and you guys looked so cut so I took a picture and let you sleep but now I have to wake her up and feed her and get her ready for bed." She says I sit up and  Michele wakes up joint in camilas arms." Mommie" she says hugging camila tight.

"Hey baby you have fun with Lo?" She asked while getting up going to the kitchen we follow as I get in the I smell something wonder full. " yah we had ice cweam." She says aww she's so cute. " wow Camz what did you make it smells good?" I aske she gives me a plate."baked chicken and pasta." I taste it's so good I moan at the flavor melting in my mouth." Camz this is amazing marry me so you can cook for me for the rest of my life." I say still eating then I realize what I said and look up and she's blushing looking down playing with her pasta. "I I umm-" I say but she cuts me off " it's okay I wouldn't mind cooking for you for the rest of you like. " she says  not looking at me but still has a small smile on her face. After dinner we go to our rooms and Michele is asleep I go to Camz room knock on the door and walk in camila is laying on her bed reading I go to her bed and get under the covers and lay on my side. She still reads her book.

"Hey Camz how about we spend some time together just me and you not that I don't mind Michele coming with us it's just that we haven't done that in a long time." I say playing with my hair looking down. " yah that would be fun just me and you like old times I'll call Dinah and see if she can watch Michele since tomorrow is Saturday why now yah it's a date then." She say wow a date I like that even though it's not the day I want it to be it's still something right?

"it's a date then goodnight camila sweet dreams." I get up and go to my room I hear a quiet 'Goodnight lauren' as I shut my door and go to my bed and fall asleep.

Shes not mine she's yours (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now