Like old times

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I woke up in such a great mood with my now girlfriend laying on me with her head on my chest and arm wrapped around my waist and leg intertwined with mine while I held her securely against my body not wanting to let her go. I look at the time  on my clock next to me 5:45am I'm in too much of a good mood to care what time it is. I lay there and think about what I can do this early maybe I should go for a jog I haven't been in the best shape while I was in the coma a good work out would her me put my body back into shape like it use to be. So I got up with out waking Camz wrote her a little note to let her know just in care she woke up before I got back. I went to my dresser and grabbed some running shorts and a sports bra and a pull over Nike sweatshirt and I laced up my running shoes grabbed my head phones and iPhone and went out side I checked the time on my phone 6:10am and then put on some music and start my jog the sun is now starting to rise and the sky looks beautiful I get my phone and snap a quick photo and continue my jog I ran for about 2 hours and my legs are staring to burn and I'm sweating like crazy I take off my pull over and tie it around my waist and jog home. When I arrive home it's about 8:07am i open the door and the first thing I hear is laughing in the kitchen so I walk there. I see camila and Michele laughing at the mess that was in the kitchen.

"What happened here?"I ask and Camlia looks up at me quick and her eyes go strait to my sweaty chest licking her lips I smirk. "Camz?" I say and she hmm's still not looking at me "I asked what happened in here?" I ask again this time she looks at me.

"Um we were making pancakes and things got wild." She says going back to cooking "ohh okay well I'm going to go take a shower i stink and I'm all sweaty." I say walking away and head up to my room and strip my clothes and grab a towel going into the shower. I spent like 15 minutes in there I get out and wrap a towel around my body and go into my room grab some nice dress clothes put them on and go back to the bathroom to do my hair I leave it in its natural waves and apply light make up and head down stairs.

"Wow you look hot where are you going."camila ask as soon as I enter the kitchen I go up to her giving her a quick peck and grab a coffee mug and fill it with some coffee and I sit on a stool take a sip and then look at Camlia while she still waits for my answer. "Oh I'm going to see if I can get my job back at the Arc. firm." I say taking another sip of my coffee then looks at her and she has a smile on her face. "That's amazing, fists your jogging now your getting back into architecture I'm happy your getting back into your old routine." She says standing in front of me on the other side of the counter I smile.

"Yah I am, this morning I woke up and realized that I guess I've gained a little weight while in the coma and I need to get back to my old body in college and I miss my old job. I love architecture so why give it up and it's not like softball worked out how I wanted it so plan B was just as good as plan A so I don't care." I say with a shrug. "You know what?" Camila asked "What?" I ask looking at her. "I really liked your ass in you softball pants I think that was the only reason I went to all your games the way you would squat down to pick up the ball or when u ran." She says as she looks like she's having a flashback of seeing me play back in college. I laugh

"Wow Camz to think you went to be my supportive best friend but you only when to look my ass." I say faked hurt "I didn't look at it I admired it." She defends herself. " well I guess we're  even cause I'd admired you ass all the time when you weren't looking." I say and she playfully pushes my shoulder. "But hey where's Michele?" I ask looking around for her

"I got her dressed and she's in the living room watching doc mcstuffin it's such a cute show, since it's Sunday were just going to hang out go to the park watch some movies nothing to big." She says cleaning the kitchen I just watch her. "Oh well then can I use your car?" I ask her as she walks up to me and gets in between my legs and wraps her arms around my neck and give me a sweet kiss. "Of course you can babe just drive safe." She say giving me another kiss while I wrap my arms around her waist  and pull her closer to me. She then pulls back when we hear Michele call for her.

"I'm coming baby!" She yells but all I could do was laugh "I'd like to hear you say that again but In my bed naked" I whisper in her ear while squeezing her ass. She pushed me back and leaves my in the stool I get up and go to my room to grab some heals and walk down stairs and kiss much and camilas on the head and let the know I'm leaving and I'll be back soon.

I get in Camz black BMW it's not really my style but it'll have to do till I get another car since mine is fucked up. I start up the car and head the the Arc firm. When I arrive I head strait to the main office to talk to Steve my boss I was pretty high up in this business. I was kinda the best one In here. I go to Steves intern ask if I can see him of course I seen him right away cause he was excited to see me and he was open arms about giving me back my job he said there was no one good enough to take my place so I got my spot back and he said he was glad I'm doing better and he can't wait for me to get to work.

I leave the firm and on my way back I pick up a large pizza for Camz Michele and I and head home it's like we're a little family camilas is my girlfriend her daughter is like mine now and I don't mind at all cause I already love her we kinda already have a special bond from the second I met her. Life is good and it's just like old times but Camila is mine and we have a kid.

I pull up to the drive way park the car and grab the still hot pizza lock up the car head to the front door and unlock it and open it and then shut it take my shoes off I go to the living room and see that Camila and Michele and cuddles up watching the little mermaid there so cute. "Wow you guys are watching my favorite movie with out me I guess I'll eat this pizza to my self then." I say and they jump up and run to me Camila grabs the pizza and Michele hugs my legs I pick her up and put her in the high chair and give her a slice.

"Thanks Laur I was getting hungry and I didn't want to cook but thank the gods they answer my prayers and now voila pizza." She says eating her second pice. "It's nothing I figured you guys were hungry and I was out so hey why not plus I wanted pizza too." I say with a shrug and grab a slice. "So how did it go at the firm?" She asked now cleaning her face of the pizza Sauce I laugh at how she had sauce every where on her face she was worse than Michele and she's like 2. "It went great Steve gave me my job back he was glad I came back cause there was no one to replace me I was just that good I guess." I say with a shrug we finish up eating at its getting late and me and Camila have work while much has daycare so we clean up and get ready for bed camilas put Michele in bed and comes back to my room and gets under my covers and cuddles up to me as we spoon me being the big one she the little one I wrap my arm around her waist pulling her close so her back is pushed nicely in my front I kiss her shoulder and put my hand under her shirt and stroke her soft skin in an innocent way she put her hand over mine and rubs her thumb over hand and brings up to her mouth and kisses my palm and puts it back where it was before.

"Goodnight Lauren I love you" she whispered I kiss her neck and then her shoulder. "Goodnight Camila I love you too." I whispered back and we both go to sleep.

Shes not mine she's yours (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now