Our Love

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Hey guys its my first time writing so if u think i need work or anything i will be glad to take any suggestions!...... I also don't write to dirty scenes so......sorry.


(Tia's P.O.V)


I woke up from a much needed sleep to someone screaming in my ear. Doesn't he know its only 8:00 in the morning? "What is wrong with you? do you understand that its only 8:00 in the morning?...What do you want!" OH MY GOSH! I need my sleep, can't he realize that? "I'm going to the store do you want anything?" Did he really just wake me up to ask me what I want? Really........" Well now that you asked, I want a bag of donuts and grape soda." I know it's not healthy, so what, sue me.

"OH...and one more thing, if you wake me up this early in the morning again, I will shove my foot so far up your ass you will need surgery to get it out....you understand?" He gave me an apologetic look with a smirk on his face as if to say 'I would love to see you try'..." yeah yeah I understand, sorry for trying to feed my girlfriend!, I guess next time I will let you starve", with that I jumped out of bed, tackled him to the ground and showered him with hugs and kisses.

"I'm sorry...PLEASE....don't starve me, do you want me to waste away?" man he knew just the right buttons to push to get me out of bed.

"yep, I knew you would see it my way... now get up so I can leave and so you can get in the shower."

After I got up I gave him a hug and a kiss and was on my way to the bathroom when my butt started to sting....real bad to! I yelped and turned around in surprise to see a smirking Jason staring at me like he didn't do anything. (did I mention Jason is his name). "HEY!!!!!..... what was that for?"

I asked as he started walking towards me with a very seductive look on his face. I couldn't help but want him deep down on the inside, you can't blame me ....he's 23yrs old, standing at 6 ft 1 and has these gorgeous sexy blue eyes, short brown hair, dimples to die for, and the most perfectest white teeth that I've ever seen. ( perfectest even a word?... I don't know, i just made it one.)

His lips are so full and juicy and taste of vanilla and strawberries, so amazing! He has the body of a god with muscles that tend to stretch his shirts. I went weak at the knees and would have fallen if he hadn't backed me into a wall. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear sending a shiver down my spine, "one..for wearing my boxers, and two, for thinking you could threaten me and get away with it...I don't think so...."

And with that he trapped my hands above my head and started kissing down my neck. When he found my soft spot a small moan slipped my lips, so I bit down on it to keep it from happening again. Since he knows I don't sleep with bras on, he slipped his free had up the front of my shirt up to my chest but didn't touch my breast. Instead he brush his thumb lightly over my nipple making me moan out again. He chuckled at the sound, let my hands go, and started walking away.

Before he could get to far I ran up to him and smacked his ass to get back at him. I didn't give him time to do anything back because I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I heard him give that sexy chuckle again and walk out the door. I took about a 10 minute shower, dried and put cloths on and headed down stairs and waited for my food. It didn't take him to long for him to get back but since I was starving it felt like an eternity!

By time we got done eating breakfast and doing things around the house it was going on 1:00. "Hey babe, can you go grab my wallet of the night stand, I want to take you on a date", He yelled from in the bathroom. I was so happy to go on this date that I almost knocked over a lamp. Me and my clumsy self, I guess I was a little to excited. My boyfriend dose so much for me, there are no words to describe how much I love him. I wonder where we are going?


(Jason's P.O.V)

I didn'd have the slightest clue as to where I was going to take Tia, I just wanted to get out of the house. since it was a little hot out I thought I would take her out for some ice cream while I thought of where to go next. Since the nearest ice cream place to us was the next town over we had to take about a 45 minute drive. While driving I would sneak glances over at my beautiful girlfriend.

She is 23 yrs old 5 ft 5, has the most beautiful brown skin, mesmerizing brown eyes, beautiful long, black hair along with full lushes lips with a mole just to the left of her lips. I could just kiss her all day. Her taste in style is just amazing....today she decided to where white jean short shorts, with a no sleeve colorful blouse that kind of hung loose in the front. She looked so sexy today like she dose everyday..I love her so much.

I guess I was staring to long because I took a glance at her beautiful face to see that she was staring dead at me. "Do you like what you see baby?", she said in a seductive voice. I quickly looked back at the road because I could feel my face heating up from being caught. When I looked back at her she was still staring at me. My face heated up even more from her just staring at me.

I heard her start laughing at me from how hard I was blushing. That's when I started to pout. At that point she stopped laughing. YEAH, HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW!. When I looked back at her she was looking at me with a half hearted apologetic look on her face. "What?" I said finally breaking the silence. "oh its nothing......"

I glared at her because she already knows that I hate it when she does that. " no, tell me now" I said with a stern voice. She looked over at me with a surprised yet shocked expression, she tried to look like she was mad at me but I knows she likes it when i talk to her like that.

"Well I was just laughing at how how red your face was getting, and worried at the fact that your little mini me was standing at attention and hasn't gone away yet" she said trying to hold in her laughter. I looked down for what she was talking about and there it was....she was right....I felt my face heat up even more than it already was. She couldn't help but to laugh at me. Hearing her laugh, I couldn't help but to laugh to.

When we got to the ice cream parlor she finally stopped laughing and my little problem went away, thank the grease monkey in the sky. We walked inside the parlor and sat at a table and ordered our ice cream. I had order cookies and cream while she ordered cookie dough. We sat and talked about nothing until our ice cream came. Finally our ice cream came and she started asking questions as to where I was taking her.

"So baby were are we going?" she asked while slowly licking her ice cream. Only if she knew what she was doing to me, she even looked sexy eating ice cream.....I'm so bad..... " I'm not telling you where we are going until we get there." I said while concentrating on eating my own ice cream. " Come one Jason, just tell me where we are going." She said and started to pout. She looks so adorable when she pouts..I almost gave in but thought better of it and decided not to.

" Nope because if I tell you know it wont be a surprise."

"A surprise!, really oh my gosh I'm so excited now!"

Aw damn, now I got her hopes up and I don't even know where I'm going to take her. (mentally snaps in mind), I know where I'm going to take her! And if she doesn't like it, well, oh well i tried. After we finished our ice creams, we went back out to the car and was on our way.


Well guys first time writing on Watt pad hope you liked it! if you have any ideas on how to improve my writing then I'm all ears!

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