Chapter 4

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( Jason's P.O.V)

I woke up around 4:00 a.m to the sound of breaking glass. I turned to look at Tia to see if she was awake. She was. I gave her a reassuring smile and told her that I would go see what it  was. She nodded her head but didn't lay back down. Thankfully I had a golf club at the side of the bed, most people have bats, I have a Gulf club, hey, I'm different.

Grabbing the club, I slowly opened the door and peeked around. Most the time I hide my fear pretty well but this time is different, I was scared shit-less! How would you feel to wake up at night to the sound of someone breaking in? You would be scared to. So as I made my way out the bedroom door and down the stairs I heard yet another glass break along with a LONG!, line of curse words.

Walking through the living room and to the kitchen I saw a man digging through my refrigerator! Of all the things he could have done he decides to dig in the one place I treasure most. NOW THAT DOES IT!

I run in the kitchen screaming like a banchi, swinging the club around hitting anything in with in reach! There was a dim light in the room from the moon and I saw him go down. I guess I hit him, I was swinging blindly. Looking at the man on the floor, he looked as if I killed him. Being cautious I walked up to him and hit his foot with the club. He didn't move, I hit him again, He twitches but dose not move. Aw damn I'm going to jail, as I'm thinking this I hear Tia running down the steps.

" Are you alright baby? I heard screaming and got scared and thought you died." Well thanks for killing me off. " I'm fine, just turn on the kitchen light so I can see who it is." When the light came on I looked at the man. He was turned over on his stomach and looked as if he was attacked by a club, well, he was. I crouched down to check if he was still breathing, thankfully he was.

I reached out to turn him over and was shoved back pretty hard. I was set flying to my butt and crashed into the counter. While Tia was looking over me I saw the man go out of the window that he fell through to get in. " Should we call the police?" she asked while looking at my head. " Not this time but if it happens again we are definitely calling them."

She nodded her head and kissed my head wound. After I got up I made sure to check that everything else in the house was locked and secured and we went off to bed. 


( Damion's P.O.V)


Waking up the the sound of my phone ringing is not the best thing to do to me at 5:00 in the morning.

I searched around for it and found it under my pillow. The person on the other side just made his death bed. I picked it up on the last ring and answered it savagely. " Why in the fucking hell are you calling me?" I smirked at the silence on the other line.

" You can have your fucking money back, I don't want it. I got into the house through the window like you said and walked to the kitchen and tried to get what you wanted. Since I couldn't find it I was just about to close it when someone comes screaming at me and beats me with a FUCKING GOLF CLUB! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"

" So you didn't get the job done?"

" OF COURSE I DIDN'T GET THE JOB DONE! I left your money on your porch."

He hung up the phone after that. (sigh) you can't get good help these days. All he had to do was kill the guy, that's all, a 4 yr old could probably do better than he could. I guess if you want to get things done right you got to do them yourself. Turning to the clock I realized I still had a couple more hours to sleep before I had to get up for the day. I cuddled back into my comfortable pillow and fell asleep with out a care in the world.


( Tia's P.O.V)

It was about 9:30 in the morning by time I got up. I looked to see if Jason was up, like I expected, he wasn't. Depending by how hard he fell I wouldn't expect him to be. I carefully got out of bed trying not to wake up Jason and headed down stairs. My mind was set on pancakes and bacon so that's what I planed on making. I had 6 pancakes flipped and the bacon was almost done when Jason walked down the stairs and sat at the kitchen table.

" Mmmm that smells good babe. What are you cooking?"

" Why are you concerned?, would you like some? "

" Well I don't want to starve this morning so would you please give me some?"

" Um....I guess so since you asked so nicely, plus I couldn't eat all this myself so of course I made you some."

" Thanks babe, you are so kind, love you." He walked up to me and wrapped his hand around my waist and then kissed me cheek.

" Ya ya, I love you to."

After I put 3 pancakes and bacon on two separate plates we went into the t.v room and started eating. While in the middle of eating I felt a pair of eye balls staring at me. I turned my head to see Jason staring at me. " Can I help you?" I asked stopping my bite in mid air.

" No" he simply said.

" OK......then why are you staring at me?"

" Because you look so adorable eating your food." He gave me a crooked smile and I just laughed and slapped his arm.

" Babe I don't feel like doing anything today but since the community pools are open tomorrow I want to go swimming is that OK with you? I said hopping he would agree with me.

" That is absolutely fine by me... I was actually hoping to stay home today to."

" Good" And with that being said, we took our plates in the kitchen and snuggled up on the couch just for a peaceful relaxing day.


Theres chapter 4 , hope you guys liked it and if you think I still need work plzz voice your opinion I would love to hear them.

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