Chapter 5

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( Tia's P.O.V)

Today's a beautiful day to be at the pool and Jason's wasting all his time sitting on the side, UNBELIEVABLE!

" Come on babe! the waters not that bad!"

" Yes it is! be happy that I'm at least sticking my feet in." Seriously, Seriously. It's not even called swimming unless your in the pool.

" You better get you ass in the pool or I'm going to drag you in kicking and screaming if I have to!"

When he sat there not paying any attention to what I was saying I got out and walked up behind him.

" Hey babe? do you have anything of importance on you right now?" I asked him because when I push him in I don't want to get his phone wet or anything like that.

" No, why?" He looked at me a a little skeptical as to why I was asking. Instead of answering his question I gave him an apologetic look and jumped at him, knocking us both into the water.

"Tia! don-" was all he had time to say before he hit the water. Coming up for air I was suddenly pushed back under. I grabbed the hand the pushed me under and bit the shit out of it while under water. When I came up for air again I turned around to see Jason cuddling his bitten hand.

"Why did you bite me you bit-" 

"Watch yourself" I warned him. NOBODY! calls me a bitch! EVER!.

" Okay.....why did you bite me you cow!" Okay it's a little better than being called a itch but it still hurt all the same.

" One I am not a COW! and for two, I told you to get in, you didn't listen so it's your own fault." I declared. Only if looks could kill, I would be dead by now depending on how hard he was glaring at me. A pair of hands went around my waist and I was hoisted up onto Jason's shoulders. " Put me down now Jason!"

I yelled at him probably earning a couple stairs from a couple people. He ignored me and just kept walking. Watching his but while he walked I decided to smack it real hard to try to get him to put me down.

It didn't work because he smacked mine back and whispered, " There's plenty more where that came from." Knowing what he meant by that I decided to beg him for forgiveness because I don't want to get spanked.

" Please babe, I'm sorry please don't do it, I promise I won't do it again, please babe?." I begged with all my heart, I really did not want to get this ass woppen but when he was determined to do something he does it if you like it or not.

" Nope, I was just fine sitting on the edge and you knew I didn't want to get in and you pushed me in anyway so it's your own fault." He copied my words from earlier and now I was scared. He brought me back into a storage room and locked the door before he sat down on a bucket and threw me over his knee.

" Please babe I said I was sor-" I was interrupted by the feeling of his hand coming down on my ass.

" OW babe stop!"


He came down on my ass like it wasn't no ones business, it didn't really hurt at first but as he kept going hit after hit it started to hurt a lot more.


" Please baby STOP! I'm sorry I promise I won't do it again, please, it hurts."

" Well that's the whole point of getting spanked babe. Now when I don't want to do something you better not press the matter again, do you understand?" He kept spanking me until I gave my answer.


I was on the brink of tears when he finally decided I had enough. He let me up and I instantly put my hands on my butt to try and sooth the pain emitting from there. When he stood up he bent down and kissed my fore head and unlocked the door.

" Know when we get out here do you think you can act right or would we need another trip back her?" He asked before leaving. I absolutely hated it when he treats me like a child and he knows it telling by the look on his face. bastered.

I glared at him and said, " No we don't need another trip daddy, I want to go home now." I said in response to the way he asked the question. He just chuckled and walked out, rolling my eyes I followed after him. We grabbed our stuff and headed for the car and went home.

After getting there I was still pretty pissed about the spanking a had received and decided to take a shower. The worm water always seemed to relax me. While washing my hair I heard a him knocking on the door. " What?" I said with enough venom in my voice I scared myself. " Can we talk babe?" He was hesitant to talk at first, I'm guessing it's cuz he was scared, well he should be!

" No" I shouted through the door still very much pissed off. Out of no where a pair of hand were wrapped around me from behind. " AAA, babe you scared the shit out of me! I didn't even hear you come in, now that I think about it, GET OUT!"

He covered my mouth with one hand and out his free hand on my stomach. " No babe, I'm sorry for what I did, it was out of line and I'm sorry, Please forgive me." He whispered and the nibbled on my ear.

It sent a shiver down my spine from how hot his breath was on my ear and the fact that I felt his hardness poking me in my ass. " N-no, I'm still mad at you, I had to walk around with a red ass and had to take a very unpleasant ride home."

I was still mad but I was melting away by the second because he started rubbing a very secret spot of mine. A small moan slipped my lips, I bit my lip to keep it from happening again because I was still mad, sort of.

" I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear, at that point I just couldn't take it. I turned around and kissed him deeply and passionately carving him so bad. He pulled me closer to him and I felt his hardness rub against me causing him to grunt with pleasure. Things got hot and steamy after that. When we finished It was about it was about 4:30 and I was still a little mad but not as much as before.

" Babe I know your still mad at me so I want to take you out for a real fancy dinner, please go with me, I want to show you how truly sorry I am."  Since I was starving and I haven't been out in a while I agreed.

I went up stairs to our room and put on this black V neck dress that dropped down to about my mid thigh and put on these cute high heels. I curled my hair and put half of it up in a cute bun and left the rest down. I walked down stairs and saw that Jason had on this white button up, black slacks, and a black blazer. He did look good in his attire but I was still mad so I didn't let it show.

He seemed a bit dazed by my appearance so I snapped my finger in front of his face and he blushed realizing what he was doing. " You ready?" He asked. " Yeah" I said and we were off. He brought me to a 5 star restaurant that was just amazing.

" Wow babe how did you afford all this?" I had no idea he had enough money to take me here. " Well I was saving up just so I could take you somewhere special, just for the two of us." He answered honestly, his cheeks turning a slight pink.

After we were seated and our orders were taken We just sat and talked about nothing, well he did most the talking since I was still pouting. Our food came along with our drinks and we started eating. He told me how sorry he was for what he did and he wouldn't do it again in public. I laughed at that and couldn't help but to forgive him.

" I love you babe" He said and I could see the love just pouring out from his eyes. " I love you more." and with that we tapped our glasses together and enjoyed each others company for the rest of the night.


Chapter 5 guys and girls hoped you liked it! Would of had more to the dinner scene but I was to lazy and tired to write it, :)

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