Chapter 11

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( Tia's P.O.V)

I woke up to the sound of thrashing and rocking. My heart dropped at what I saw. Jason was seizing in his bed, blood was coming from his ears and mouth.


The nurses and doctors came running in bringing in a crash cart.

" Excuse me mame, your going to have to step out."

" Please tell me what's happening."

" I'm sorry to tell you this mame but from the looks of it, he's having a stress indused seizure but from how fast his skin is paleing it looks like sonething is blocking the passage ways to his lungs, it dosen't look to good."

I dropped to my knees and put my forehead to the floor. I can't believe this, my one and only love is dieing on me because of that stupid bastard. Crying my heart out someone stands me up and walks me to a chair.

It's another nurse. He's holding me as if his life depended on it and I am greatfull for his support. I already understand that he can't tell me that it's alright because he dosent know if he'll make it witch makes me cry harder.

The nurse had to leave due to other patients and I understood. 10 hours....10 hours of heart wrenching surgery that my baby went through and they still didn't know if he would be alright, but I prayed, prayed that my baby would make it through his surgery.

By time they let me see him it was 5:00 in the afternoon from when he had his seizure at 8:00 in the morning. I walked in the room and and my heart broke at what I saw. He was so pale and he looked so tired and hurt. I feel so bad, I wouldn't know what to do if he left me.

The doctors said that he would wake up within a couple of hours but I didn't think so. I sat in his room for 5 hours already just waiting for him to wake up.

I missed him dearly and I hoped that he would wake up soon.

From time to time I would touch his fingers, open his eyes, or kiss his lips just to see if I got any reactions. I would even talk to him so he could at least hear my voice while he was 'asleep'. I didn't even believe he was asleep anymore.

When I told the doctors that he hasent woke up yet they said that it was possible that he fell into a coma. He's been in his coma for 5 days now and he's not showing any signs of waking up anytime soon.

Every day I would come into his room and talk to him, tell him how my days been and how much I miss and love him. I'm still praying and hoping for the day that he wakes up.


( Jason's P.O.V)

It was dark. I was alone. I felt so sick and exhausted. My body hurt like I was hit by a semi truck and the pain wasen't going anywhere.

Why was I hurting so bad? I hounestly don't know. The last thing I remember is falling asleep with my fiancée by my side. The only thing that kept me going through the pain was this little voice in the back of my head.

It was such a soothing sound, I heard it all the time. One time it told me that it loved me and that it wanted me to wake up. Wake up? Was I asleep? I don't know but the drozy feeling I got every now and then confermed that I was sleeping.

It felt like I should wake up but I couldn't. My body hurt like crazy and it was so hard to move any part of me but I will try my hardest. That voice was so sad and It sounded like it was crying. I was determined to wake up for her.

I decided to start of by trying to move my fingers and toes, visioning them moving and trying to move them, it worked but it took a lot of energy. When I could move them I started working on my arms, one muscle at a time. I heard that voice again, " Baby?..... baby can you hear me?" She sounded like she had hope in her voice. That made me fight through the exhaustion. I imagined myself opening my eyes so when I tried itwas harder than anything else I tried to move so I tried again.

I imaged myself opening my eyes so when I tried this time it worked but when I did a bright light shined through my eyes so I closed them. Someone turned the light out so I opened them again to the most beautiful but saddening sight I ever seen.

My beautiful fiancée was standing next to me but she looked as if she hasn't slept in days. " Your awake! baby's awake do you feel?" She looked as if she was happy but was trying to compose herself.

" I'm fine but I hurt all over. what happened?"

" Well.... for one I am happy that you are ok and for two....... The doctor said that you had a stress indused seizure this morning and you were bleeding out of you ears and mouth......." She started sobbing so I took her hand in mine. " Babe...if its to hard you don't have to tell me now." She shook her head and continued.

" After they took care of your seizur you fell into a coma while you were were out for 1 whole week. I thought you would never

wake up baby ....I was so scared for you."

" Well baby..... there is no need to worry anymore because I feel fine mentally, physically im still a little sore but baby I'm fine ok and in a few days time I'll be out of here and home with you ok?" I motioned her over and kissed her long and deep. " I love you baby."

" I love you to."


( Tia's P.O.V)

The doctors said that after a few more days of observation that my baby could go home and I just couldn't wait. He also promised to marry me, we are going to elope because neither of us want a big wedding, I just can't wait!


Here's the next chapter this story is not that long prolly the most chapters is going to be less than 20 maybe more if it gets that far abd I promise nothing else happenes to Jason.......maybe!

lol vote coment if you like!

Im also going to start a BXB just tell me what you think if I should write one or not.

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