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Absurd visuals of a long lost girl is what I frame in the picture that illustrates my heart.
Temporary public dominion over the trust that she had within herself.
Her surroundings seemed to have buried the remaining love that held what she believed in most together.
Though the blur within her mind put aside essentials of her growth, she still believed in the light that she was conceived with, the essence that she would live by.
A ribbon was tied around her neck pulling and robbing her of her breath.
The breath of life that she would need to   save herself from the hate that molded around her in time.
What guilt she wish they would feel for taking away her youth and raping her of her innocence.
The fear she felt was seen through her eyes, the terror they told was horrifying, unexplainable. Dead.
A dark cloud followed her everywhere she went and it would rain over every joyful soul that crossed her path. So they scatter as her storm arrives.
She was alone. She was left in the immense void like she was left in her mother's womb before she was cursed by being born in this world.
Colors of grief and agony she wore, attire of a corpse putrefied by her own insanity.
She believed it was her destiny, she strongly hoped that her end will come soon...very soon.
Her pre-meditated fate seemed to have devoured every last drop of her will to live.
Nothing seemed alive, everything was so numb and stuck in time.
Her mind wasn't hers anymore was the one of oblivion.
She was forgotten and she forgot who she was.
Doomed to the slums of the glooming streets she wandered
She slumbered in step as her back gave up on the pace of her feet
Her face was empty, there was no life in her gaze, she was a ghost.
They passed and whispered,cackled and pointed fingers while she was dying inside.
Her soul felt detached from life , she was lost in everything.
As days went by , she sank slowly deeper and deeper into darkness.

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