Love on the Radio

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This is my first story on wattpad.

If you like it, then you should put a vote/comment on it. :)

PS:I just started writing a spin-off of this (Howard as the main character). It's written from his point of view. He's going to college, where things are about to get a little twisted.

Chapter 1

I got home and turned the radio on. I was so tired. Soon, I heard my favourite songs. I changed my school clothes into grey sweatpants and a big T-shirt. I logged on the internet and soon I heard a noise which meant that someone had started a conversation with me. It was my best friend Joe, short for Jonathan.

Even though we had just ended one of our conversation, there was yet again something to talk about. There always was. That's what made our friendship so special, we could never shut up. Neither of us, and sometimes it made it really difficult to communicate, when both were trying to make the other hear what they had to say.

„I saw a dog on the way home,“ I read out loud and laughed, shaking my head.

„Really, what was it like?“  I responded to him and waited for an answer.

„Beige, kind of hairy, stupid-looking,“ he wrote. "Cute, blonde, curvy." 

„What?“ I quickly sent it. „Hold on, you’re not talking about the dog, are you?“

„Oops, I guess not,“ he added a goofy face.

„So, the owner of the dog was blonde? I thought you hated blondes,“ I was a bit confused.

„But she was the pretty kind of blonde.“

„You said it yourself that there are no pretty kind of blondes, only stupid and annoying kind of blondes.“

„I was wrong.“

„So, you admit that you can’t judge a person by his or her looks?“ I raised my brow while waiting the answer.


„Finally,“ I cheered. „But I have to go now. Gotta eat.“

I logged off, otherwise our talk would have lasted way longer and then I would notice my hunger until it was eleven in the evening, when it's basically unhealthy to satisfy the empty stomach, although I do it anyways. I turned the volume of the radio on, so I could hear it to the kitchen and then left my room. Thankfully, my room was on the first floor, not upstairs.

I made myself some macaroni and cheese and started eating when the doorbell rang. I sighed and stood up, walked to the door and opened it. I saw a pizza guy on the doorstep.

„Delivery,“ he smiled and handed me the pizza box. Then he turned around and started heading back to his car.

„Wait, don’t I have to pay?“ I gave him a confused look.

„No, your boyfriend has got it covered,“ he laughed and got in the car, then drove off.

„My boyfriend?“ I frowned and shook my head. „Oh, Joe.“ A grin appeared on my face and I put the pizza on the counter. „Thanks for the pizza, boyfriend.

The next hours I spent listening to the radio and eating both my macaroni and cheese as well as the pizza. It took me quite some time and in the end, I still had half of the pizza left, which would make a good meal the next morning, or at night. It was time to drag myself to my room and do my homework before I would fall asleep and wake up at 10 o'clock when it would be already too late, for both the homework, and for school. Then again, if I'd miss school, I wouldn't have to do the homework. 

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