Ch.1: The Dare

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Liam POV:

I was waiting for none other than Niall Horan to come. My name is Liam Payne and Niall Horan is my best friend in the whole world. He knows everything about me, well not everything. It’s this one thing I didn’t tell him nothing to big. It’s not like I don’t trust him I do but I don’t like talking about it.  I checked my watch wondering what was taking Niall so long to come.  I saw his car pulled up to me and I sighed. “What took you so long” I told him while getting in the car with a look of anger. “Sorry lad I was hungry had to grab some food from McDonald’s” Niall responded with a shrug. “So food is more important than your friend, I see how it is” I told him with my eyes rolled. “Li come on you know food is my life and without food I would die” Niall responded back. “Whatever you say, yeah why don’t you just marry food then Ni?”  I questioned him which earned me a shrug in response.  We finally arrived to school and I got out of Niall’s car. “Ready to go back to school” Ni asked me when we walked into the school.  “Yeah definitely” I told him while we both got our schedule along with our locker combinations. Even though our last names weren’t the same letter, our lockers are always next to each other each school year. I had a feeling this school year was going to be great if you ask me. “So I didn’t see you all summer what’s up with that” Niall asked me while taking out his own set of books. “Oh you know I was out of town” I lied to Niall quickly. “Where did you go and how come I’m just finding this out” Niall asked while raising one eyebrow. “I went to visit some family and I didn’t feel like telling you” I lied to Niall once again. Lying became something I was good at and even Niall couldn’t detect when I was lying and when I wasn’t. Part of me wanted to not be good at lying but I was that how it always was. We noticed everybody ran outside the school, Niall and I looked at each other before following the crowd outside to see none other than Louis Tomlinson and with him was Harry Styles everybody knows that  Harry, Louis and heck even Zayn Malik was rich super rich. All three of them have been best friends since diapers apparently. Niall is my best friend but he hangs out with Zayn, Louis and Harry as well. Louis and Harry walked up to Niall and me. “Hey Ni, what’s going on” Louis asked him while giving him a man hug. “Oh nothing sweet ride you guys got there” Niall told him while complimenting the red mustang. “Yeah my mom and dad got me this over the summer” Louis informed Niall. Zayn and I wasn’t friends or anything, we don’t talk actually I never exactly met him. “You going to sit with us for lunch” Harry asked Niall. Niall looked at me and I smiled a little bit at him. “Only if Liam can” Niall responded with another question. “Yeah sure of course the more the merry” Louis told Niall while going into the school with Harry at his side. I sometimes wonder why Niall is my friend in the first place; we are so different you know.  He’s rich but I’m poor extremely poor to be honest. Everybody likes him but I’m just invisible sometimes. I really don’t mind actually to be honest. “Niall why are you my friend” I asked him once we went to our first period class.  “Seriously Liam, you asking me this again” Niall looked at me appalled. “I just wondering you could have been friends with anyone yet you picked me” I told him and he just smiled. “I know that, Li but you so much better than anyone else in this school well beside Louis, Harry and Zayn” Niall smiled at me while telling me this and I felt a smile go on my face. “Thanks Ni” I replied to him with a small smile. “So anyway it’s this party that is happening tonight to celebrate the first day of school you in” Niall told me and I just shook my head. “No way, Niall you know I don’t do parties at all whatsoever” I told him while taking out a piece of paper to get ready taking notes. “You going whether you like it or not” Niall told me and I crossed my arms. “Oh yeah how are going to make me” I told him harshly. “I have my ways” Niall said in a weird evil way. I looked at him weirdly and a little bit scared. “Boys do you have something you want to say to this class” Miss Robin said to Niall and I. I shook my head. Niall got up from his seat hoping he wasn’t going to do anything. “So you guys know Liam Payne right” Niall said while standing in front of the class. I slid down in my seat while everyone stared at me. “Well who thinks Liam is a nerd who needs to have fun in his life” Niall asked the class yet again. The whole class raised their hands and even Miss Robin as well. I sighed. “Fine I’ll go if you stop right now” I told Niall. Niall sat back down and held a smirk on his face. “See, I told you that I could convince you” Niall whispered to me and I just looked down. I couldn’t believe he convinced me to do this. “You can meet the wonderful Zayn Malik” Niall said to me with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes; I really didn’t care about meeting the incredible according to Niall not mine Zayn Malik. I sighed I didn’t do well with parties in fact I never went to one in my whole life. My parents wouldn’t let me. The bell and Niall and I were going back to our locker and then we were off to Drama Class and Louis Tomlinson was in that class. “So I’ll pick you up at 7pm, okay” Niall said to me and I nodded. We walked into class and immediately Louis came up to us. Louis was talking to Niall and I just stood there in the background. “So Li, Ni tells me that you going to the party it’s going to be epic” Louis told me and I just smiled. I mumbled to myself. “Niall is making me” Louis laughed and punch playfully Niall’s shoulder and Niall did the same thing in response. All of our seats were next to each other, Niall sat in the middle. I was on the left side and Louis was on the right side. Mr. Erin came in and he smiled at me a little bit. I smiled back at him. “Why did you make me take drama again” I whispered to Niall. He winked at me. “Because 1. Louis wanted to and secondly the teacher is hot” Niall answered my question. It wasn’t a lie the teacher was hot; there was no way to deny that. If you haven’t figured out, I’m gay and Niall is well I think he is bi but don’t tell anyone this.  I never really liked drama that was more of Louis, territory not mine. In fact I was far from being comfortable on the stage or in front of people.


“Thanks for the ride Nils” I told him while getting out of the car. “I’ll see you later tonight at 7 and wear something nice” Niall advised me while he started driving. I walked into my house and I sighed. I started cleaning the glass all over the floor. I saw my dad and some of his friends sitting on the couch. “You’re finally home” My dad stated to me and I nodded. “How was school” He asked me and I opened my mouth to say something. I felt a sting on my cheek. I hold my cheek in pain. “Next time answer me quicker” My dad told me. “Now go to your room” My dad yelled at me and I ran to my room. I closed my door and locked it. I took off my long-sleeve off. Bruises that were faded but they were scars that I knew wouldn’t go away. I lay down on my bed and the door became unlocked and there stood my dad’s friend Greg. I stared at him and I sit up in my bed and he pushed me onto the bed. “We going to have fun” Greg whispered in my ear and I shuddered a little bit. “Maybe next time, my wife needs me home” Greg got off me and walked downstairs to where my father was located. I checked the time it was almost time for the party. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and cleaned my cuts and bruises. I then took makeup and covered my black-eye and the bruises on my face. I looked out the window, I see Niall’s car pulling up. I locked my door and jumped from my window. As soon as I got in his car, Niall gave me this look and I shrugged. “What” I asked him. “Um why did you jump from your window” Niall asked me. “Because technically I’m grounded” I lied easily through my teeth. “Okay whatever you say dude” Niall told me and we arrived at the biggest house. I ever had seen in my life. “This is Zayn’s house” Niall informed me. We both walked in the house. It was crowded with people. Someone bumped into me and I flinched. I realized it was none other than Louis Tomlinson. “Hey guys everybody’s in the living room” Louis told Niall and me while pulling us. “Guys this is Liam Payne” “And this is Zayn Malik” Louis introduced us both. “Nice to meet you” I said while rubbing the back of my head. “You too” Zayn mumbled to me. “Okay so how about we play truth and dare” Louis suggested to everybody. We formed a circle. “Really Lou, truth and dare” a girl name Eleanor complained. “Yes really” Louis smiled at me. I’m not sure why though. “So I’ll start, Zayn truth or dare” Louis asked Zayn. Zayn smirked at Louis. “Dare” Zayn answer him with a smirk tacked on his face? “I dare you and Liam gets to know each other starting tomorrow” Louis told him with a smirk. Zayn looked over to me. “Okay fine with me” Zayn said while leaning back. “Li, truth or dare” Niall asked me. “Truth” I said while my arms crossed. “What are chicken” Niall said and everybody started making chicken sounds. “Okay dare happy” I responded with irritation. “I dare you to tell Zayn your deepest darkest secret in a week” Niall smirked to me and I frowned. “Fine, I’ll do it” I responded and my phone started ringing. I answered it without noticing who was calling me. My father was yelling at me. “Niall we have to go like now” I told him while dragging him out. “Li chill” Niall told me. “Niall I’m serious my dad is going to kill me” I responded to him. His face dropped. “Fine but I’m sure he’s just going to ground you” Niall said while he backed out of Zayn’s driveway.  If only he knew. When we got to my house and when Niall left, my dad pulled me in. I knew he was drunk and I knew what was going to come. I’m definitely not going to school tomorrow at all. 

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