Ch.17: Sickness, Tiredness

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I was up on my bed watching TV, when Cora stormed practically into my room without even knocking. “Yes Cora what’s the problem now” I asked her while rubbing my stomach gently. “My dad ruined my first kiss with Harry” Cora complained to me before jumping on my bed.  I groaned at Cora. “Hey Cora mind getting me some crisps with ketchup” I asked her and she gave me a weird look. Hey it’s what the baby wants. It’s not like I want to eat it but I know that if the baby doesn’t get what he or she wants it doesn’t end up well. Cora got up from the bed and went to grab me some crisps and ketchup. Cora handed me the ketchup bottle along with the crisps. I smiled at her before starting to eat the crisps and using ketchup. “So anyway my dad needs to take a chill pill, it’s my life he’s so overprotective” Cora complained while flopping on my bed. I sighed while muting the TV. “He loves you Cora, he doesn’t want you to get hurt and who can blame him, you’re his only child and daughter” I told her and she crossed her arms. “You know I imagine on the first date would end in a kiss” Cora sighed before rubbing her face. “I really like him too he’s just amazing” Cora sighed acting like he was dreamy. “Yeah I know he likes you too just for your information” I informed her and she smiled at me. “You really think so” Cora questioned me. “Yeah I’m positive” I smiled at her and I pushed her out of my room. “Hey” Cora exclaimed to me and I just smirked. “Sorry Cuz I’m so tired therefore you need to leave me alone now” I told her through the door and I groaned and moved to my bed. I sighed and started to fall asleep while holding my stomach. When I woke up, I looked at the clock it was only 2am and school didn’t start for a couple hours. I got up from my bed before rushing to the bathroom and I started throwing up into the toilet. I heard a knock on the bathroom door but before I could say come in. I started throwing up immensely that I didn’t even have a chance to catch a break.  I felt something rubbed my back while kept barfing. I looked up to see it was Aunt Dixie. She just kept rubbing my back. I got up from the toilet and Aunt Dixie took me to the kitchen and gave me a cup of tea. “When I was pregnant with Cora, I found lemon tea soothe the morning sickness” Aunt Dixie smiled at me while grabbing my hand. “Thank you Aunt Dixie” I said to her while I sipped on the lemon tea. “Honey, when are you going to tell the father” Aunt Dixie asked me. I shook my head at and looked at the ground. “I can’t, not yet at least” I told my aunt. She looked at me like she was disappointed in me. I couldn’t handle that look, the same look my mom used to make when I did something wrong. I felt the tears fell down my face and I just started sobbing. I’m not exactly sure why I did but I’m guessing it was hormones from carrying this baby. Aunt Dixie grabbed me and hugged me and I hugged back while sobbing into her chest. I wiped away my tears. “Sorry” I smiled at Aunt Dixie while wiping my tears away still. “No it’s okay Liam you don’t have to be apologizing for these mood swings” Aunt Dixie smiled at me while rubbing my stomach a little. “You getting a nice bump Liam” My aunt told me while gaining a bigger smile. I smiled back and yawned. “Well you should go back to sleep, you look worn out” Aunt Dixie told me while handing my cup of tea and I walked downstairs. I crawled back into my bed and sighed. “Good night baby” I said my little bump while rubbing it. I fell asleep and when I woke up it was time to go to school. I groaned and got up from the comfort of my bed. I feel so tired. I put on my clothes and let me tell you something. It is so difficult to put on skinny jeans, so difficult when you gaining all this weight from this pregnancy eventually I would have to get some new clothes. I walked right up to the kitchen and sighed before putting pancakes into my mouth. I covered my mouth before rushing to the bathroom. I knelled in front of the toilet. I looked at the person shoes and I knew it was Cora rubbing my back. I pulled my head back against the bathroom wall. “Are you okay” Cora asked me and I nodded showing a smile before getting up with the help of Cora. I entered the kitchen and sat down at the table. Aunt Dixie gave me lemon tea and I smiled at her. I drank the tea slowly and slowly continued to eat the pancake slowly. I pushed the plate away. I looked in the mirror and I must add I look like a zombie. “Liam you want to go to school you can stay home if you want” Aunt Dixie said while rubbing my shoulders and I shook my head. “I can’t miss anymore school” I told Aunt Dixie. “You know Liam Payne you growing up into such a nice lad my sister would be proud of you” Aunt Dixie kissed my cheek and I smiled at her before putting a piece of gum into my mouth and grabbed my backpack. I kissed Aunt Dixie and Cora on the cheek before rushing out to the car. I started my drive back to my school. I parked my car and I saw Louis and Niall talking and I heard Niall laugh that has to be contagious no matter the situation and Niall’s laugh has to the loudest laugh in the world. I walked up to them after I parked my car. I saw Harry was talking to Zayn and I waved at Harry. He gave me a smile and a wave while Zayn looked away. “Man you look dead tired” Louis exclaimed to me and I just smiled at him. Niall was staring at me and I just continue smiling. Ever since what my dad did to me came out, Niall’s been watching me and caring a lot about everything which is nice in some way. “Yeah Lou, I’m just a little bit tired” I responded to him and I saw Niall and Louis hand locked together.  


I saw Liam getting out of his new car and I couldn’t help but stare at him. He looked good, healthy and happy. Harry was talking about his date with Cora. At this point I wanted him to shut up desperately. “Okay Haz I get it you like Cora but do me a favor and shut up” I told him and Harry crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes and went to my locker. I took out my books and I noticed that the bell rang. I ran all the way to English class and I sat down quickly next to Liam. I stared at Liam and I noticed how tired he looked. It seemed he hardly had any sleep. I noticed that Liam stopped wearing long sleeves so maybe just maybe the abuse stopped. Obviously I still care about Liam just as a friend. I looked over to his paper, he was drawing something. I wasn’t sure what to be exact but it was decent enough. There was no way that Liam and I would ever be an item let’s be serious. Relationships and I don’t mix and I know that all I would do is break his heart and Liam James Payne is an awesome guy who deserve good things to happen and I also know I’m a bad idea just ask everyone whose dated me before. All my exes somehow end up turning crazy or obsessive with me therefore maybe I need to try something different. A part of me still wanted to hear Liam sing and perform but I know that’s not going to happen if I keep ignoring him or something. I really need to makeup with Niall in order to do that I need to become friends with Liam yet again and let the past stay in the past as well. 

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