Hi! I am in 11th grade and I am 16 years old! I am bisexual and I came out over the summer to my mom. June 14, 2015 is when it all went down! I just got home from seeing a LGBTQIA+ themed play and I loved it! It was so well put together and a very tasteful production! I was happy and very confident after the show so after dinner I pulled my mom outside and I told her. Now i have a lot of friends who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and my mom pretty much loves all of them, so her reaction really shocked me. She told me that it wasn't normal and that I cant know if i like both genders until I've "intimately" been with both genders! (which I have but she doesn't know that) But then I thought... so you didn't like guys until you had sex with a man? Nice to know! She freaked out! I started crying and all I asked her was to not tell my dad yet because I wanted to be the one to come out to him, but of coarse its "not my life" to deal with and she told him anyway. Throughout the next few months I tried to embrace my true self more and more I would talk to more girls and sometimes wore a rainbow threaded bracelet my best friend J bought me, but even that bracelet caused a fight between my mom and I. She would yell at me saying that I shouldn't wear it in case we see anyone she knows or because its not something shes proud of and she wouldn't want her friends to know! My relationship with my mom honestly has never been the same since I came out and its my fault because i cant look past the way she reacted....
To this day she is opening up more to the idea but I still have the mental scars. Thankfully some of my best friends have been nothing but supportive of me! I did only come out to my parents and certain friends though. I personally don't see why i need to tell everyone in my school. Im not ashamed of myself and will tell anyone who asks, I just think about all the videos of people who come out straight on the internet (THOSE DON'T EXIST BC THEY DON'T HAVE TO) so why do I?
My friend R once told me "Yes, don't try to label yourself. Don't look for a label. If you wanna come out, just say the genders you like. That's my advice, it makes things easier" and that honestly has helped me so much through my coming out experience! Be who you feel you are and be happy! Don't change who you are for anyone else and NEVER let anyone tell you that what you are or aren't is wrong! You are a perfect person and I love you!
We are Human: Coming Out Colorful
Short StoryWelcome to a place full of stories of other's experience with being finally being themselves.