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I guess people expect a coming out story to be about how they told the people they love and care about but for me it was different. My coming out story wasn't about telling my mum or my best friend, it was about telling myself. I put off my feelings towards girls for most of my life, saying that it was irrational and they weren't real feelings. And I got into a state of mind where I believed myself. So I made myself feel attracted towards guys but it would always feel a bit off. When I turned 16 I met this girl who became my best friend and all the feelings I had tried to avoid in the past came bubbling back up and were harder to ignore. She soon broke my heart without knowing she was doing it, but it made me admit to myself that I was different, but that it was still okay. I finally admitted to myself that I was gay after having my heart broken because I knew that pretending to feel something that's not there is worse than feeling something real. Unfortunately I haven't had the courage to tell my mum yet but I hope that soon I can and that she will be as accepting as this community.

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