I'll be Comfortable

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So i had been talking to a friend who is gay and he was kind of helping me ease my way into coming out.

Then, I started hinting it to my other friend. She is bi. I started hinting to her that I was coming out about two weeks before I actually came out to her. Once I came out to her, everything was so much easier. She made things seem simpler than they were.

Next, I came out to the girl that I liked at the time. That was a little easier. I found out that she too was interested in girls so that made things easier on my part.

I finally came out to my mom via letter. I let her read it after I left to go to wherever I was going.

It's been a little more than five months and it's still hard talking about it but I know I'll make it to a point where I'm fully comfortable talking about it.

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