Their future

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Chapter 9:

President Snow was holding a gun to Peeta's head and looks at me. "What did you think Katniss, that I wouldn't get revenge?" President Snow smiles. "No!" I scream at the top of my lungs and tried getting out of the rope that had me tied on a tree. "One." The president began. Tears stream down my face and Peeta looks at me scared. "Two." He cocks the gun. "Three." Peeta mouths I love you and then the gun fires. "Peeta!" I scream for as long as I can. 


I wake up in bed screaming Peeta. I realized it was just one of my nightmares. I could hear heavy foot steps running towards my room. "Katniss?!" Peeta screams and bursts throught the door, a knife in his hands. He sighs and drops the knife. "Oh Katniss." He says as he sees me crying. He walks to me and gets in bed with me. I turn around and hug him as tears fall down my cheeks. "Oh Peeta it was terrible!" I sob into his shirt. "Sh. Sh. It's ok." Peeta says touching my braid with one hand and with the other holding me close. "It's ok." He says. "I am so scared." I squeak. Peeta shushes me again. "Don't be. It's ok, I'm here." I sniffle and put my hand to his chest. "Just try to go to sleep." "I can't." I say. "Want to talk about your dream?" Peeta whispers. I nod. "It was Snow. He was alive. He was holding a gun to your head but I couldn't do anything because I was tied to a tree and then he." I inhale a lot of air and gulp down hard. I then started screaming and crying. "And then he shot you! And you were dead! And I was-" Peeta cuts me off trying to calm me down but I kept crying. Peeta puts the blanket up to my neck and kisses me. I calmed down a bit with Peeta's lips against mine. He pulled back and whispered. "I would never let that happen to me or you." I nod and put my head to his chest hearing his soft heart beat. "I love you." I say shaking. "I know. Me too." He says and I fall asleep in his arms.

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