Breaking heart

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Chapter 58:

The next moments that happened were as if my whole world was put in slow motion. My vision had begun to blur and I felt a burning sensation on my back. It was pain I hadn't felt since the uprising. But I wasn't paying attention to my wounds, what my heart was aching for was Peeta, who was laying beside me. "Peeta," I said weakly and stretched my hand to touch his bloody one. Tears were streaming down my face already. "Peeta, baby, please wake up," I then felt a cold hand touch my shoulder. "They're still alive," a voice said. I finally touched Peeta's hand and with that his eyes opened slowly. "Katniss," he groaned and looked at the pool of blood surrounding him. It had all happened so fast and I was in so much shock. A peace keeper knelt down next to him and picked him up. My heart flipped in my chest. "NO! LET HIM GO! PEETA!!!" I cried and tried to stand up but my back hurt way too much. "Shut up," another one said and got me up. I screamed in pain and looked at Peeta. He stretched out his hand and so did I. We managed to lightly touch our finger tips before they pulled us away in separate directions. Peeta stared at me with wide blue eyes and began to fight against the peace keeper's grip. "Katniss!" he said and struggled to get out, but another one came and put his hands behind his back. "NO! PEETA! LET US GO!" I shrieked and punched at the peace keeper. "KATNISS!" I heard Peeta yell before disappearing from my sight. The peace keeper grabbed me in a choke hold and walked away with me. "NO PLEASE NO!" I cried out and tried to get out but I was beginning to loose a lot of blood. "What do you want?" I whispered before everything around me turned black.

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