Their future

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Chapter 7:

"What? Really Katniss!" Peeta's face lights up. I laugh. "Yeah." Peeta smiles and hugs me. I kiss his cheek but like always he turns his face so it could be on the lips. I smile as Peeta pulls away. Effie was behind us the whole time. She squeals. "Ah! You guys are so cute together! I already have everything planned for the wedding! Oh my god! This is so exciting!" Effie screams as she comes over to hug me. "Congratulations sweetheart." I hear Haymitch say. I smile as the doctor walks in. "When can I go home?" I ask. "According to how fast you have healed, maybe by tomorrow." The doctor starts writing something on a sheet of paper. "Thank you." I say. The doctor nods. Peeta smiles at me. "I can't wait for my fiancé to be back home with me." He hugs me one more time and then the doctor leads the three of them out so I could rest. I can't believe I just agreed to marry Peeta. I am not ready, or maybe I am? Katniss Mellark... I like the way that sounds.

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