That Very Night

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I was back stage at Mariners waiting for Ash. Would he come? Would he not? I sat next to Peter and looked at him. We weren't getting on well. I saw the man that i bumped into come back stage. "Reid?! ON IN TEN! AND YOU HAVE A VISITOR!" Thats where I've seen him! "Just go in mate. They are finished getting ready." The man left and smiled.

"Hey Baby Reid!" I heard a familiar accent say. I fell off my chair in exitement then immidetly scrambled up to hug Ashleia. "God your shaking like a chiuhauha filled with hate. You ok?"

"YES! Now you're here." I laughed and hugged him. "Just nerves." I saw he was in his army clothing. "Having one of those days?"

"Thought I'd help with The War Song." Ash said winking. "Hey. Drop pants not bombs." I laughed. "You ready?" I said as I stopped hugging him. I nodded as he looked at me as if i was lieing. "You're not are you?" I shook my head. "Come on. Lets have a chat."

"Ok..." Ash took me out the dressingroom and closed the door. "It's me and Peter... We're not getting on well."

"Why?" Ash asked me in a caring voice.

"We broke up and then we had an arguement earlier. Just worried hell fuck up the set list." I said to him worried.

"Want me to do the bass?" Ash offered.

"Gotta go Reid." Roy said to me.

"Ok Hope alls ok at home." I said as Roy walked out. "Great Timing. If you want yeah then I can follow you. Then if he goes off in one of his things, I can just follow you anyway."

"Ok. I'll go get my bass from the car. Do I require makeup to be in your band?" Ash said jokingly.

"No unless you want to. I know you suit eyeliner." I said to him smiling. "Want me to come with ya?"

"Sure." I went down the hallway to the other way he came back. "Why this way?"

"Easier also no one sees me." I said opening the door. I made sure i had my lanyard and smiled. "Go on." Ash laughed and walked out. God that arse in a army suit. "We have 5 minutes."

"Ok." Ash quickly grabbed two Bass' out of the boot of his car and bought them in. "Lets tune these babys up. What key?" I sung a note. "D Drop." He quickly tuned up a bass that had lips on it with "Outlaw" on the neck in Mother Of Pearl and stripes on the body. He put a strap on it then done his other country style type bass. I handed him the set list as he finished the other bass. "I know these songs back to front like the house!"

"Good. EVERYONE READY?!" Everyone nodded. "Peter. Dont go off in one tonight."


"Dont fight guys." Ash said standing up. "Am I ok wearing this?" I nodded. "Kinda goes with the first song dont it."

"Oh yes. Lets go!" I walked out of the dressing room and walked to the side stage. Our Female Vocallist met us there. "Ready Rose?"

"Oh yeah man!" The steel drums started. "Ready?!"

"War war is stupid and people are stupid!" I finished that line twice and walked out singing following Ashleias bass.

"Senso Hantai! Senso Hantai! Say no more war!" I Finished with smiling. "This is Culture Chameleon! Unfourtunately, Roy had to go home but we have a great friend of mine who served over 20 years as a PA in the army and saved my life. Everyone Welcome Ashleia Peabody!"

"Hey everyone!" He said smiling.

"If it wasn't for him, Culture Chameleon wouldnt be here. Thank you all. This song is one for you all to sing along to if you like! This song is about... Crime." The piano started. "EVERYONE WELCOME TIMOTHY HAWKINS ON SAXAPHONE!" I waited for my cue and smiled and moved. "Death cab for cutie, sung it like a beauty, stepping out forgetting, Danger has a duty."

The night went on but on that last song. "Peter. You have one job dont forget." Everyone laughed. "Ash. Sing this one with me."

"No." Ash said swapping to his 'Outlaw' Bass.

"Come on. EVERYONE! KEEP GOING SING IT ASHLEY!" Everyone chanted 'Sing It Ashley!"

"OK OK! I will."

"YEY!" I laughed clapping. "LETS GO!" I played the starting harmonica an smiled. Ash and me started instantly. "Desert loving in your eyes all the way, If I listened to your lies would you say, I'm a man, Without conviction, I'm a man who doesnt know, How to sell a contridiction, you come and go, you come and go." I heard the drums going loopy. I just fillowed the bass. "Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon, you come and go, You come and go, lovin' would be easy if your colours were like my deams, red gold and green, red gold and green." The drums bugged me but I still followed that bass. I just carried on singing with Ash and smiling and moving about. "This has been Culture Chameleon. Thank you so much! We will be back soon!" I walked off stage and growled. Peter hit that step and I punched him one. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! YOU FUCKING ASS HOLE!"

"Whoa!" Ash said grabbing me. "Calm down. Calm down." He put me against a wall. "CALM!"


"Calm Babe. Calm."

"Fuck you Peter. GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled. The only woman came up and hugged me as ash sorted Peter out. "I cant carry on with him Rose!"

"Calm down sweetie." She said in an english accent.

"I cant." She took me into her dressing room. "I really cant."

"Hey. Try these." She gave me two chewy like things. "You chew one and it may take two to work." She poured me out a shot of vodka too. "This may also help." I downed it and took a few deep breaths. "Feeling better?"

"Pissed off." I said to her.

"I know." I put one of the things she gave me in my mouth and chewed it. "You do swallow it by the way once its at a swallowable bit."

"Thanks." She got up and smiled and took off all her makeup.

"How about you get calmed and that lot, sit in your dressing room for a while and then just calm." I nodded. "Ok. I'll be here ok? After we will go to mine and you can bring ash if you like and we can have a few drinks."

"Ok. Thanks rose." I said to her going to the dressing room door.

"No problem honey." I walked out and straight over to the door that I was in before the show. "Just relax ok?"

"I will. Thanks Rose." I opened the door and saw Ash touching his cheek. "Whoa you ok?" I said concerned as I shut the door. "What happened?!"

"He fucking decked me one then left. I'm ok. I'm ok." I sat him down then sat next to him. "I'm fine."

"You better be." I said to him. "Rose offered for us to go round hers. Wanna go there?" He nodded. "Come on then."

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