Unleash the key

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At this moment i felt like the Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparow to be more specific. Just some, huh! Ya! Fuck you! And stuff i didn't had the chance to do something great and Eloisa was.... Were the fuck was Eloisa? 

So i did something not very smart and slashed her by the hip, she started bleeding and looked at me with her green deathly eyes. "That wasn't a smart move" she said and how Jake was distracted she hit him with the elbow and he went down, thanks to Poseidon, he fell in the river, i hope he knows how to swim. 

"You know Hell i always thought it would be like you and me against the world, but i was wrong, you only want friends and happiness, and--" that when i saw that Eloisa came down (so yea she was flying and she came down) i had to do something before she noticed her, she was a really good warrior in a negligence she could be better than me, maybe. 

So a smart move, i had these power i had never tried in camp, i pit may hands in a weird position, I'm jocking i just put them to the sky and close my eyes and needed to think of water, it wasn't that hard because it was raining. 

"Hah!" I send it with all my power and she fell, with that Eloisa came and... 

"Ahhh!" Nat screamed as a not very nice seen was shown, she cut her right arm off.

Leo's Pov

"So how do you think it's going up there?" I asked awkwardly to Jason

"I hope our ladies are fine, i feel like they are, I'm concerned about Piper actually, do you think she's dead?"

"Probably" i answer and saw each-other

Hell's Pov

"Ew gross" i said to her "Wait how did you did that?" I focused and remembered she couldn't harm 

"I have no idea" she answered 

Beep, Beep 

"A phone seriously?" She said to me 

"Shut up, it's a text, not like you get any"

'Tell your little brat friend Evoisa, Eloisa or how ever, to never talk to me like that, and well, you figure out your curse your still evil, but i like you. Xoxo 


"Nemesis" i mumbled 

"She un cursed me? Seriously? An you?" I refused with my head "I'm sorry"  

"But she says your a brat and that she likes me so no biggy" i said and she looked at me murdeously 

"Take her down and tell Jason to come and Percy too" i told her 

"Hell" i heard a weak voice "here, Piper had it in her jacket, it's says it's from your dad" i smiled to her and they left 

"Huh" i said and drabk it quickly and threw the empty bottle anywhere 

"oh my gosh Piper" i said running to the other side of the roof. 

"Hey" she said weakly 

"Hey, Jason is taking you down ok? Your gonna be fine" i said 

"Give this to Percy" it was a necklace, a beautiful sea shell necklace, i put it on my pocket and she started to close her eyes "Piper stay with me, Piper please, don't die" 

"Hey" i heard another very familiar voice. It was Luke. 

"I'm sorry for you loss" he said 

"She's not dead! And what are you doing here, i thought you were dead and that you were going to kill somebody" i said with tears 

"Dream?" I nodded "i came one last time to life, to say how much i'm sorry and well to feel better about myself, so sorry about everything and say that to Percy too, because if he sees me, he will kick my ass" we both laughed and i hugged him  

"Bye Luke" i said to him finally 

"I love you Helen" he said to me and left with his flying shoes

Son of a bitch, he thinks he can come to me after all he did, well not a lot of harm, but... I'm crying? I hVe feeling again! Thanks to that little bottle my father send me and-- 

"Hell" a weak voice interrupted my thoughts 

"Piper!" Percy came quickly and took her head and put it in his knees 

"Don't leave please, i beg" Percy was crying, i've never seen that, Piper's hand touched Percy face, "I love you" she whispered and fell asleep (she died) Percy and i cried then the others came. 

Leo found Jake in the rivers corner, we all went to camp in any way, but quickly, we were all quiet, Eloisa rested in Leo's shoulder, i rested in Jason's breast, Annabeth in Nico's knees and Jake and Percy both were asleep in the floor, we asked a som of Hermes to take Piper's body and Nat was now in the Olympus, the gods were going to figure her punishment and she didn't had an arm, i got a message by Iris from my father saying he had already talked to Hades and that both were really sorry, and that we were going to have a family reunion, we only had to throw the stupid shell into the ocean, they will get it someone, so we did, nothing weird happened in that trip, no monsters, no gods, just us, now only 8 were back and we were all pretty down, but we finally got to camp.  


Hope you like it;)

Jason is minee

-The Cold Hell

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