I love boys

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"She's got a point man" said Jason to Grover

"Anyway's why are you here?" Said Grover, curiosity i thought why can he just give me my towel and lesve me alone

"If you give me the towel i tell you" i said giving a smile he shaked his head telling no

"Grover just give her the fucking towel"

"You heard the blonde dude umm son of Zeus umm Grace" i said, i couldn't remember his name because of his eyes damn it!

"Jason" two voices mixed, one was Jason's of course but the other one...

"Hey Grover, hey Jason" it was Percy's

"Here Hell" Grover game me my fucking towel


"When were you going to tell us you have a sister" said Jason of course to Percy

"Just found out"

"But i did knew her she just never told me daughter of who and well did you ever met her?"

"Stupid if he had met me i would tell him right away" i said and turned away and walked.

Percy P.o.V

"What happened here? She' mad like when she just saw Annabeth"

I paused a little Jason was confused

"Do you guys know why they hate eachother?" I asked expecting an answer.

"Man, i met her 15 minutes ago, but i can tell you the answer for question 1. Grover didn't want to give Helen her towel" Jason said looking at Grover

"Yea i know why they hate each other...remember when Hell lived in the Olympus well umm... When Annabeth was 11 years she went to the Olympus were she first met her mom and Hell. Helen and Annabeth were best friends, but Helen when still little start dating Luke, and Annabeth found out that her mother loved Helen and well... They made sort of a fight. And Annabeth won. Helen was so mad, they started hating each other and later on Annabeth met you Percy"

"That's the dumbest reason i've EVER heard in my life!" Jason was sort of good looking but, not that much he has so much ego!

"Good enough for me" i said and left

Helen P.o.V

"Brr" i said entering mu cabin i was literly freezing, like 15 minutes passed Percy hadn't come. But someone knocked the door.

I didn't want to open it, but i had to.

I opened it

"Percy! You won't..." Said a really beautifull girl she was letting her hair down her shoulders had beautifull eyes and well... Some lipstick

"Man why are you dressed up as a girl?" Said someone else. A boy. He had curly brown hair. Brown eyes and well... That was preety much it.

"Im not Percy" i said with some confused eyes

"I told you so! Percy left Annabeth!" The girl said

"Well she's preetier"

"How long have you been?"

"What's your name?"

"Daughter of who?" They were storming my head with lots of questions

"Im not dating Percy!" The girl moved a little her head to the right a little confused "im Hell and..."

"Your an Hephaestus kid, dammit i can't date you" said the guy interrumping. Well he was an Hephaestus kid i suspect

"Umm no" he did a victory move "Im a Poseidon kid and im Helen but no one calls me like that and well Hell its better"

"Umm well im Piper and i'm an Aphrodite child" Aphrodite child? Is she serious?

"Seriously?" I asked dumbly

"I'm i not preety?" She said looking at herself and looking down"

"No, no dont get me wrong your beautifull it's just that... Your not like any other Aphrodite daughter, i meen, they're mean" i said trying to clear up. Suddenly we were already in the cabin

"And im Leo an Hephaestus child, and your clothes just changed up and your hair is dry" he said looking at me suspiciouly

"It's sort of a charm umm" i said, no words..."Percy will be here any time you could wait for him"

"Not nessesarily"


Daughter of the Seas (Daughter of Poseidon a Percy J. FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now