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Daughter of Poseidon:

Jason's Pov

I was walking in the forest with Eloisa when she asked me "why did you left Piper? She was a nice girl"

"Because I like somebody else" I turned to her

"who?" she asked

I don't know if I should tell her... there was great silence "Helen" i finally said

"what?! no! you can't be her boyfriend just no!" She said angrily

"why?" I asked

"because she's so uggh, and she thinks I'm just a weak, girly baby" She stomped her feet

"And why is that?" I asked

"I don't know, just because I'm positive and I smile, on the contrary, she's so negative an cold" She crossed her arms

"maybe you should give her a chance" I said patting her shoulder

"maybe..." she said "so, where are we going?" She asked leaving the other subject aside

"I don't know, Percy said we had to find a goddess, what was her name...nemesis" I said

"Not again, not her...argh ok, let's find her" She said

"have you seen her before?" I asked confused

"yes, only once...not a very happy memory"

"ok, maybe we should ask that lady over there" I said pointing at the lady

"excuse me, do you know where we could find-Juno?-- I mean Hera?" I asked "what are you doing here?" I asked

"So that's what you resent her...and you girl? tell me" The lady said

"Nemesis" Eloisa said

"Oh, so you resent me for the other time...I can see why" The lady said

"wait a minute...YOU are Nemesis?" I asked confused "why do I see Hera instead?"

"Because you resent her boy" Nemesis said, changing to her true form "Why are you here anyway?" she asked

"we need your help" Eloisa said

"you? come to me to ask for help?" she laughed at Eloisa

"this isn't funny" Eloisa said through gritted teeth

"we need you to help us discover where the key to the underworld is" I said

"and why should I help you?" Nemesis

"Because then we could make you a favor" I said

"ok, I'll tell you, but you have to swear on the Styx you will do what I say" Nemesis said

"We swear on the styx" Eloisa and I said

"the answer is where you least expect" Nemesis said

"And where is that?" I asked

"Cabin #9" She said

Eloisa raised an eyebrow "Cabin nine? Hephaestus? why is it there?"

"I don't know" Nemesis said "now, my favor...I want you two to bring me one of Demeter's most valued flowers"

"Why do you want that?" I asked

"because, I want revenge on her, she took something mine, I'll take something from her, as simple as that" Nemesis said with a mischievous smile "now hush boys, I have to go" And she vaporized

Daughter of the Seas (Daughter of Poseidon a Percy J. FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now