Cabos San Lucas

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Eloisa's Pov

10 years, 10 young years since Helen, Percy and Jason left, Jason came everyear once in a while to visit, i was a camp instructor, Leo was now 26, but i had to break up with him, it was a 4 of July, so we didn't had much activities only Capture the flag, i was telling all the team

"Ok! Zeus, Poseidon, Ares and Athena team blue and the rest team red" i shouted

"Excuse me umm, Eloisa" a little kid about 12 years old came to me  "I'm Athena child, but i don't understand why you keep saying Poseidon, if the last time a Poseidon kid was seen here was like 15 years ago"

"10 kiddo, 10" i said him and turned him for him to go with his team

the fight started i was doing some arrangments Chiron ordered me to do, no new campers in 3 months, that was weird, about 1 new camper was supposed to come each month, something was wrong.

"Eloisa!" Someone shouted, i turned to see who was calling my name 

"Jason!" I ran to him and hugged him "Hey how are you!" i asked enthusiasticly

"I didn´t found her" he said and his smile faded away

"You'll find her, im sure" i did a little smile

"But i know were is Percy, i just can't go there and i need your help" he sai

Percy? What was his last name? Jackson! Percy Jackson the son of Poseidon.

"Where is he?" i asked enthusiasticly

"His under the sea, i know the exact point, he's in Mexico, Cabos San Lucas, he can help us find Helen"

"How did you knew?" i asked

"Annabeth told me so, but there's some good news, in summer, he is not underwater he is in this hotel, Sea Star, we have to go" with that we both runned to my airplane.

I drived for 5 hours and Jason didn't stop saying "Are we there yet?" he said it every 5 minutes

"We are here!" i shouted

"Thanks to gods" he said, and we parked it, we looked 1 hour for the hotel until we found it. It was beautiful and big, really big, we walked into it, the reception was outdoors, besides the pool actually, we got nearer, there was this man asking for a towel, he had really good formed bicepts, and really marked abs, he was really good looking

"Hola" so good looking i didn't notice the cashier

"Uh, hi, we're looking for Percy Jackson" he didn't answered us, he just stared at the good looking man, without shirt

"Yes?" the good looking man took off his sunglasses and i did nothing but to say

"Percy? Is that you?"

"Yes, who are you?" he questioned

"I´m Eloisa, Eloisa McCartney, remember" he didn't answer and went to the pool, he got inside and then to the corner

"Wait, so these dude beside you, is my missing sister's boyfriend?" he said

"Percy you've changed a lot!" Jason didn't said a word, i don't know if he was or mad, or tired, or amazed.

"So do you, i remember you with thick big glasses and with two braids not with loose hair and no glasses and you even have makeup" He said getting out of the water. "What do you need?"

"Do you know where is your sister?"Jason asked, he nodded 

"she's in Chicago, you're never gonna find her in there, it's a really big city"

"The thing is Percy" Jason said getting down, to see him to the eyes "I know what bussines she has, i just needed to know in what city" he stood up again so did Percy, man, does were good abs.

"You think my sister, Helen Jackson, has a bussines? What kind of bussiness you think she has"

"antique shop, it is called, The Blue shell"

"Im coming with you, just let me do the check out" he said and put his shirt one, he went with the man, and when the man wasn't looking he stole the cash and came to us

"Percy what do you think you're doing?" i said

"He stole me 300 bucks, so i stole him 500, that's the way it goes" he said and we walked out of there

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