The Oracle, i mean Rachel

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Robert's Pov

I was walking in circles outside my cabin when i saw Helen running. You see, my cabin it's the one with more people, all the guys that haven't been claimed yet stayed there. So i had to sleep on the floor, so i did, and i had a really weird dream.


I was walking threw a hall, a very very scary hall, and it was long, but i kept walking i have no idea why. Suddenly the lights went lighter and the walls became fire, i couldn't see anything, i was practically blind of all the light, so incidentally, my hand touched the fire, i screamed with pain.

"Sh! Your gonna make him mad" Patrick was telling me, he was suddenly behind me, when he spoke, the lights went off and so the fire.

"Who?" I said, he didn't spoke "Who is going to get mad?" He didn't answer "Patrick"

"Well perhaps he's talking about me, i'm not a very patient person." A man appeared in front of us. He was tall had an evil smile, his eyes were green, and they looked at us, without trying, mischievously. He wore a black leader jacket and some dark jeans. His hair was dark and disheveled. He seem mean. And he held a flame in his left hand, with the right one he started playing with it.

I think i stared because he put the flame off and looked at me with laziness.

"Why hello" he said with a mischievous smile, i didn't answer, he came flying to me, somehow, and took me by the neck.

"No, no, no, no, it's really rude not to answer a Titan, greek." He said still holding my neck, somehow, it hurted, even though i was on a dream.

He left me off

"A titan?" Was the only thing i said after breathing

"How rude of me, i didn't introduce myself politely. I'm Hyperion, Titan of the light, Lord of the east" he said with his smile again.

"What have you done to Patrick" i said angry

"Oh yea, Patrick, let me tell you the story, i once had a daughter, man she was beautiful, beautiful, sweet, powerful and she was in love, she had fell in love with the greek god of the seas, Poseidon" he paused and stopped smiling "They mixed water and light, which is stupid for my taste, and they made a very powerful child, so i did what i less wanted to do, i had to kill my daughter, yes it was sad, i let a poor guy an orphan, in case your wondering that's Patrick, so i thought he'd never discover and he'd never get to camp, but he did, and now the consequences are here" he finished with a smile

I had nothing to say, i knew if i said anything he'd kill me, even in my dream

"Oh and i have a son too, Damon, he lives near here, he's 27 he's charming" he said finally, i couldn't understand why he told me that "See ya" he said and the dream was over.

Then i couldn't sleep and went outside to think, like i was saying, i saw Helen running, she was going to the Big House, so i followed her. She noticed.

She came to me "What are you doing woken up?" She said

I couldn't tell her right now "I couldn't sleep, how about you?" I said putting my hands in the pockets

"I was heading to see the oracle, i mean Rachel" she said "I forgot about that, wanna come?"

"Sure" i said following her

Tony Pov

I was laying on bed thinking crap, what if i don't get back, what if THEY don't come back, what if we get it ok, what if we get it wrong, all that stuff was going threw my mind at this time. Now that i said that, what time is it? I checked, 12 great, i will go as a zombie. I heard some talking outside my window, it was Robert and Helen.

"Hey George" I said calling the counselor "I've gotta go somewhere" and with that i left the cabin and ran to them

"Where are you guys heading to" i said walking beside them

"Oracle, i mean Rachel" Helen said clearing it up

"Mind, if i join?"

"No" Robert said with a smile, i smiled too.

"Soo, Tony, has any girl catch you eye?" Helen said smirky. I just let my head down.

"Yea, but she's kind of old" I said ashamed

"In love, age, height, weight and distance is just a damn number" Robert said cheesy

"Geez Robert, you're right then why did you did such a drama out of it" Helen said mad

"Well maybe because you lied"

"So did--"

"Guys" i interrupted

"Sorry" they said in unison

"How's the damsel?" Helen said smiling again.

I didn't spoke "Describe her"

"D'accord Mademoiselle, she well she has a beautiful chestnut hair, she has an average height, she's really really nice and the first time--" Now i got interrupted

"You like Eloisa?" Robert said amazed

"Ya" i said with a shy smile

"Well look how sweet! He tells really cute things about the girl she likes, what did you told me huh, i-i-i like h-her" She said imitating him

"I didn't told you that" he said trying to defend herself

"Worse, you told my best friend"

"Guys, i think we're here"

Helen's Pov

When we got there, it wasn't like it was 3 nights before, it was, creepy, and dark and i think it was about to rain

"I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" they both looked at me "Come on let's get inside"

When we got there i was scared of going up the stairs i, i went up slowly, and just when i was about to open the door--

"Wizard of Oz! Right?" We looked at Tony in a killing mode "Right not the best moment" so we went inside, i had always hated that place, it was all Hades-ly and creepy and ugh, horrible.

"Rachel?" I called "Rachel"

"In a moment!" She screamed "Now, what's up"

We stared at her "Right your prophecy" she sat and spoke in a horrible voice

"You shall go east

And take what is needed

No more you should take

Or you shall suffer the consequences

But despair meet a sib

An oath you must keep

To safe what you wanted the most"

"Meet a sib? An oath you must keep?Anyone knows what she's talking about?" Tony said curious

I saw the weird face of Robert

"Robert" i said crossing my arms

"Why should i?" He said walking away

I saw his hand it was red and sort of black

"Oh my gods! What happened to your hand!"

"Ill tell you outside" he said going quickly down the stairs i followed, so did Tony.

Robert's pov

I ran down the stairs and started freaking out, should i tell them? If i don't they won't trust me anymore

"Explain yourself, upstairs you were acting weird, and now i see this, whats going on?" Helen said, worried, actually worried

"It's just that, i had a dream, it was with Hyperion and--" i saw him standing up behind them making me a death sign

"And what?" Tony said


Heyy! I uploaded see! Thanks for the reads, seriously i love Hyperion! So much irony! Ok um, comment&vote! Thanks!



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