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Peter's Pov

I have to admit. I feel jealousy seeing Patrick being, well, loved, my father never really, watched for me, yes he is the actor Helen said, i just deny it to everyone, because of him, im miserable, he told me my mother never loved me and she just left it for him to feed me, not to love, so he doesn't loves me, i ran away and found Beth, i don't like her a lot, but she really likes me, i don't know why. Helenw as taking hands with Patrick and Beth was explaining, I was seeing it. Someone walked in the door, but no one noticed ot, but me.

"Hello" i said

"Hey, is Helen between this croud?" i noddded and pointed her, she was drinking water, the man came in and went to Helen, she smiled when he saw him, they gave eachother a sweet kiss

"Andrew, i thought, you were coming until Wensday, you're early" she said smiling, he grabed her by the hips, i saw how Percy saw Helen directly to the eyes."Um Andrew this is Percy, my brother and this is Patrcik my other brother, i mean cousin, Patrick is my cousin, and this lady is Eloisa and he is my brother's girlfriend well not girlfriend, wife and these are they're two sons" He said pointing us, i waved, he did too

"And who is him?" Andrew, pointed Jason, i think that's his name

"The brother of Eloisa" she answered, Andrew was tall, muscular, but not that muscular, he had soft brown hair and straight hair, and blue eyes, he seemed like Chris Evans

"And Helen who is this?" Percy asked

"He's my, my boyfriend" she answered hugging him by side

"No i am not, i am your fiance, remember Greece, two weeks ago" he said looking at her and then looking at Percy, Helen closed her eyes and opened them again

"Helen, you are engaged?" Percy said, his face looked dissappointed

"Congrats!" Eloisa said and hugged Helen

"Yea" Jason said, he looked devastaded

"Hope you live happily ever after" i didn't know why i said that, but they both smiled and Helen made me a come here sign, and she hugged me and whispered in my ear 'you're so sweet' and looked me directly in her eyes and said 'thanks' i had never notice that her eyes changed, when she was happy they were blue, when she was nervous or stuff they were bluish and greenish and i think that when she's mad they are green, she was really preety, and she smelled like the sea too.

"You smell like the ocean" i said with a smile, everyone laughed at my comment except, Percy and Jason.

"Thanks, i guess" she said

"Um, so Andrew,you proposed to her in Greece?"

"Yes, actually, she had always told me she finds very interesting Greek culture and she said she finds it very romantic so, what better place to propose than Greece right" he laughed, Percy did a little smile, forced smile

"You see, we want to go for a little trip, the family for a few weeks, if you don't mind taking her away some time" he lost his smile

"No of course no, just bring her back safe that's all i ask" he said with a smirk, Percy nodded "Well umm, see ya later honey" they kissed and he left

"Engaged really? To that guy?" Percy came to her


Hope you like it! TeamLeo5 done! Hahaha so many surprises here!


-The Cold Hell

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